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By: Jay Graham PhD, MBA, MPH

  • Assistant Professor in Residence, Environmental Health Sciences


In addition asthmatic bronchitis vs acute bronchitis discount advair diskus 500mcg mastercard, corticosteroids may be used to treat acute exacerbations of these disorders asthma definition 2020 250 mcg advair diskus otc. These medications may be used for a period but then are gradually reduced or tapered as the symptoms subside. When symptoms have been controlled on a 6-hour or 8-hour program, a once-daily or every-other-day schedule may be implemented. If symptoms of the disorder being treated are suppressed, alternate-day therapy is helpful in reducing pituitary-adrenal suppression in patients requiring prolonged therapy. Some patients report discomfort associated with symptoms of their primary illness on the second Chapter 42 Assessment and Management of Patients With Endocrine Disorders 1245 day; therefore, it is important to explain to patients that this regimen is necessary to minimize side effects and suppression of adrenal function. Up to 1 year or more after use of cortico- steroids, the patient is still at risk for adrenal insufficiency in times of stress. For example, if surgery for any reason is necessary, the patient is likely to require intravenous corticosteroids during and after surgery to reduce the risk for acute adrenal crisis. Patients receiving corticosteroids must have an adequate supply of medication on hand, so that they do not miss a scheduled dose and increase their risk for adrenal insufficiency. Table 42-5 provides an overview of the effects of corticosteroid therapy and their nursing implications. Remind patient to avoid positions and situations that restrict blood flow (eg, crossing legs, prolonged sitting in same position). Encourage diet high in calcium and vitamin D or calcium and vitamin D supplementation if indicated. Encourage postmenopausal women on corticosteroids to consider bone mineral density testing and treatment, if indicated. Instruct patient to rise slowly from bed or chair to avoid falling due to postural hypotension. Instruct patient about medications, diet, and exercise prescribed to control blood glucose level. Instruct patient about importance of taking corticosteroids as prescribed without abruptly stopping therapy. Advise patient to notify all health care providers (eg, dentist) about need for corticosteroid therapy. Assure patient that most changes in appearance are temporary and will disappear if and when corticosteroid therapy is no longer necessary. Critical Thinking Exercises Your patient has just been diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. Because she is wary of radioactive substances and unwilling to take radioactive iodine, she has been scheduled for a thyroidectomy in 6 weeks. Prior to surgery, she will receive antithyroid medication to control her symptoms. What nursing interventions are warranted preoperatively and during the postoperative period? The diagnostic challenge: Hyperaldosteronism caused by bilateral adrenal hyperplasia. Adrenal insufficiency masquerading as sepsis in a patient with tetraparesis: A case report. The patient and his family are asking for explanations about the syndrome and about methods of managing it. What nursing interventions and patient and family teaching are warranted when caring for this patient? Your 24-year-old patient has been receiving corticosteroids for treatment of ulcerative colitis. She is distraught about the changes in her appearance related to corticosteroids and is talking about stopping the corticosteroids because of the weight gain and other symptoms she has experienced. What teaching should be provided to the patient and her family about the use of corticosteroids? Identify the rationale for each area of assessment and how it relates to thyroid function. Your patient, a 30-year-old woman with two small children, lives within 2 miles of a nuclear power plant. She expresses anxiety and concern about the risks to herself and her children if there is a terrorist attack on the plant.

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The pediatric otolaryngology literature provides information on otologic disorders pertaining to that population asthma related deaths buy advair diskus 250 mcg without a prescription. The lateral third is an elastic cartilaginous and dense fibrous framework to which thin skin is attached asthma treatment step 3 buy advair diskus 250mcg otc. The skin of the canal contains hair, sebaceous glands, and ceruminous glands, which secrete a brown, waxlike substance called cerumen (ie, ear wax). The head of the mandible can be felt by placing a fingertip in the external auditory canal while the patient opens and closes the mouth. Anatomic and Physiologic Overview the cranium encloses and protects the brain and surrounding structures, providing attachment for various muscles that control head and jaw movements. Eight bones form the cranium: the occipital bone, the frontal bone, two parietal bones, two temporal bones, the sphenoid bone, and the ethmoid bone. Some of these bones contain sinuses, which are cavities lined with mucous membranes and connected to the nasal cavity. The middle ear is connected by the eustachian tube to the nasopharynx and is continuous with air-filled cells in the adjacent mastoid portion of the temporal bone. The eustachian tube, which is approximately 1 mm wide and 35 mm long, connects the middle ear to the nasopharynx. Normally, the eustachian tube is closed, but it opens by action of the tensor veli palatini muscle when performing a Valsalva maneuver or when yawning or swallowing. The tube serves as a drainage channel for normal and abnormal secretions of the middle ear and equalizes pressure in the middle ear with that of the atmosphere. The external ear is separated from the middle ear by a disklike structure called the tympanic membrane (ie, eardrum). Tympanic Membrane the tympanic membrane (ie, eardrum), about 1 cm in diameter and very thin, is normally pearly gray and translucent. The tympanic membrane consists of three layers of tissue: an outer layer, continuous with the skin of the ear canal; a fibrous middle layer; and an inner mucosal layer, continuous with the lining of the middle ear cavity. Approximately 80% of the tympanic membrane is composed of all three layers and is called the pars Auricle the auricle, attached to the side of the head by skin, is composed mainly of cartilage, except for the fat and subcutaneous tissue in the earlobe. The auricle collects the sound waves and directs vibrations into the external auditory canal. The other 20% of the tympanic membrane lacks the middle layer and is called the pars flaccida. The absence of this fibrous middle layer makes the pars flaccida more vulnerable to pathologic disorders than the pars tensa. Distinguishing landmarks of the tympanic membrane include the annulus, the fibrous border that attaches the eardrum to the temporal bone; the short process of the malleus; the long process of the malleus; the umbo of the malleus, which attaches to the tympanic membrane in the center; the pars flaccida; and the pars tensa. The tympanic membrane protects the middle ear and conducts sound vibrations from the external canal to the ossicles. The sound pressure is magnified 22 times as a result of transmission from a larger area to a smaller one. Membranous Labyrinth the membranous labyrinth is composed of the utricle, the saccule, the cochlear duct, the semicircular canals, and the organ of Corti. The three semicircular canals-posterior, superior, and lateral, which lie at 90-degree angles to one another-contain sensory receptor organs, arranged to detect rotational movement. Ossicles the middle ear contains the three smallest bones (ie, ossicles) of the body: malleus, incus, and stapes. The ossicles, which are held in place by joints, muscles, and ligaments, assist in the transmission of sound. Two small fenestrae (ie, oval and round windows), located in the medial wall of the middle ear, separate the middle ear from the inner ear. The footplate of the stapes sits in the oval window, secured by a fibrous annulus, or ring-shaped structure. The round window, covered by a thin membrane, provides an exit for sound vibrations (see. Organ of Corti the organ of Corti is located in the cochlea, a snail-shaped, bony tube about 3.

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Although it is a frequently used method of preventing pregnancy asthmatic bronchitis coding generic 500 mcg advair diskus mastercard, it is considered an unreliable method of contraception asthmatic bronchitis 4 months buy 500mcg advair diskus with amex. Emergency contraception is related to luteal phase dysfunction, producing an endometrium that is out of phase. There are no known contraindications to the use of this method (Morris & Young, 2000). The nurse reviews with the patient instructions for taking the pills based on the medication regimen prescribed. To avoid exposing the infant to synthetic hormones through breast milk, she can manually express milk and bottle-feed for 24 hours after treatment. The patient must return for a pregnancy test if she has not had a menstrual period in 3 weeks and should be offered another visit to provide a regular method of contraception if she does not have one currently. This medication may also be dispensed by pharmacists without a prescription in some states. Nurses can educate and inform women about it to reduce unwanted pregnancies and abortions. See the list of resources at the end of this chapter for more information on this method. The patient may experience discomfort on insertion and heavier menstrual periods and increased cramping. Nurses must be supportive and nonjudgmental and provide facts and appropriate patient teaching. If a patient repeatedly uses this method of birth control, she should be informed that the failure rate with this method is higher than with a regularly used method. A toll-free telephone information service (1-888-Not-2Late) operates 24 hours a day in English and Spanish and provides information and referrals to health care providers. If a pregnant woman experiences bleeding and cramping, a threatened abortion is diagnosed because an actual abortion is usually imminent. Spontaneous abortion occurs most commonly in the second or third month of gestation. There are various kinds of spontaneous abortion, depending on the nature of the process (threatened, inevitable, incomplete, or complete). If the fetus and all related tissue are spontaneously evacuated, the abortion is complete. After two consecutive abortions, patients are referred for genetic counseling and testing, and other possible causes are explored. If bleeding occurs in these patients, conservative measures, such as bed rest and administering progesterone to support the endometrium, are tried in an attempt to save the pregnancy. Bed rest, sexual abstinence, a light diet, and no straining on defecation are recommended in an effort to prevent spontaneous abortion. In the condition known as incompetent or dysfunctional cervix, the cervix dilates painlessly in the second trimester of pregnancy, often resulting in a spontaneous abortion. In such cases, a surgical procedure called cervical cerclage may be used to prevent the cervix from dilating prematurely. The procedure involves placing a purse-string suture around the cervix at the level of the internal os. The patient and her health care providers must be informed that such a suture is in place in this high-risk pregnancy. The patient and all personnel caring for her are alerted to save any discharged material. In the rare case of heavy bleeding, the patient may require blood component transfusions and fluid replacement. An estimate of the bleeding volume can be determined by recording the number of perineal pads and the degree of saturation over 24 hours. When an incomplete abortion occurs, oxytocin may be prescribed to cause uterine contractions before dilation and evacuation (D & E) or uterine suctioning. The response of the woman who desperately wants a baby is very different from that of the woman who does not want to be pregnant but may be frightened by the possible consequences of an abortion. The nurse must be aware that the woman having a spontaneous abortion often experiences a grieving period. The fetus is generally considered to be viable any time after the fifth to sixth month of gestation.

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Nursing management includes the use of the dressings discussed at the beginning of this chapter asthma over the counter medication order 500mcg advair diskus with mastercard. If nursing interventions are instituted early in the progression of an ulcer asthma symptoms constant generic advair diskus 500 mcg otc, the condition can often be effectively improved. Pressure ulcers involve breakdown of the skin due to prolonged pressure and insufficient blood supply, usually at bony prominences. Epidermal cysts (ie, epidermoid cysts) occur frequently and may be described as slow-growing, firm, elevated tumors found most frequently on the face, neck, upper chest, and back. Chapter 56 Pilar cysts (ie, trichilemmal cysts), formerly called sebaceous cysts, are most frequently found on the scalp. They originate from the middle portion of the hair follicle and from the cells of the outer hair root sheath. They are usually located on the face, shoulders, chest, and back and are the most common skin tumors seen in middle-aged and elderly people. The treatment is removal of the tumor tissue by excision, electrodesiccation and curettage, or application of carbon dioxide or liquid nitrogen. However, there is no harm in allowing these growths to remain, because there is no medical significance to their presence. Actinic keratoses are premalignant skin lesions that develop in chronically sun-exposed areas of the body. A small percentage of these lesions gradually transform into cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma; they are usually removed by cryotherapy or shave excision. However, in rare cases, malignant changes occur, and a melanoma develops at the site of the nevus. Some authorities believe that all congenital moles should be removed, because they may have a higher incidence of malignant change. Nevi that show a change in color or size or become symptomatic (eg, itch) or develop irregular borders should be removed to determine if malignant changes have occurred. Moles that occur in unusual places should be examined carefully for any irregularity and for notching of the border and variation in color. Early melanomas may display some redness and irritation and areas of bluish pigmentation where the pigment-containing cells have spread deeper into the skin. Late melanomas have areas of paler color, where pigment cells have stopped producing melanin. The treatment, which is not always satisfactory, consists of surgical excision, intralesional corticosteroid therapy, and radiation. All age groups may be affected, but the condition occurs most frequently between ages 12 and 16 years. As a rule, warts are asymptomatic, except when they occur on weight-bearing areas, such as the soles of the feet. They may be treated with locally applied laser therapy, liquid nitrogen, salicylic acid plasters, or electrodesiccation (ie, destruction of skin lesions by monopolar high-frequency electric current). Warts occurring on the genitalia and perianal areas are known as condylomata acuminata. They may be transmitted sexually and are treated with liquid nitrogen, cryosurgery, electrosurgery, topically applied trichloracetic acid, and curettage. Condylomata (see Chapter 47) that affect the uterine cervix predispose the patient to cervical cancer. It is a firm, dome-shaped papule or nodule that may be skin colored or pinkish brown. They are present at birth and may occur as flat, violet-red patches (ie, port-wine angiomas) or as raised, bright-red, nodular lesions (ie, strawberry angiomas). The latter tend to involute spontaneously within the first few years of life, but port-wine angiomas usually persist indefinitely. Most patients use masking cosmetics (ie, Covermark or Dermablend) to camouflage the lesion. Treatment of strawberry angiomas is more successful if undertaken as soon after birth as possible (Odom et al. Malignant Tumors of the Skin: Skin Cancer Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the United States. If the incidence continues at the present rate, an estimated one of eight fair-skinned Americans will develop skin cancer, especially basal cell carcinoma (Chart 56-5). Because the skin is easily inspected, skin cancer is readily seen and detected and is the most successfully treated type of cancer (Odom et al.


  • https://www.wsdot.wa.gov/publications/manuals/fulltext/M23-03/HydraulicsManual.pdf
  • https://www.modernatx.com/sites/default/files/Moderna%20Therapeutics%20JPM%202018%20presentation.pdf
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  • http://www.hsrsna.com/student/Heart%20Dissection%20generic.pdf
  • https://www.canaryfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/EarlyDetectionFactSheet.pdf