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By: Sarah Gamble PhD

  • Lecturer, Interdisciplinary


This condition is dangerous because the heart does not fill properly muscle relaxant use discount 30 gr rumalaya gel with visa, and cardiac output is decreased muscle relaxants generic 30 gr rumalaya gel mastercard. A myocardial infarction is caused by a lack of blood flow to an area of the heart as a result of coronary vascular narrowing (spasmodic or from atherosclerosis) or vascular blockage (embolism). The prenatal heart begins to pump blood during (a) the fourth week, (b) the fifth week, (c) the sixth week, (d) the seventh week. The valve that is located on the same side of the heart as the pulmonary semilunar valve is (a) the tricuspid valve, (b) the mitral valve, (c) the bicuspid valve, (d) the aortic semilunar valve. A stenosis of the bicuspid heart valve might cause blood to back up into (a) the coronary circulation, (b) the venae cavae, (c) the pulmonary circuit, (d) the left ventricle. In the fetus, fully oxygenated blood is carried by (a) the ductus arteriosus, (b) the umbilical artery, (c) the placental vein, (d) the umbilical vein. After birth, the ductus arteriosus develops into (a) the fossa ovalis, (b) the ligamentum arteriosum, (c) the lateral umbilical ligament, (d) the ligamentum venosum, (e) the round ligament of the liver. The outermost of the three layers of the heart is (a) the epicardium, (b) the supracardium, (c) the pericardium, (d) the endocardium. The correct sequence for blood entering the heart through the venae cavae and leaving through the aorta is (a) right atrium, left atrium, left ventricle, right ventricle (b) left ventricle, left atrium, right ventricle, right atrium (c) right atrium, right ventricle, left atrium, left ventricle (d) left atrium, left ventricle, right atrium, right ventricle 9. The heart is covered by (a) the pericardium, (b) the epicardium, (c) the supracardium, (d) the endocardium. An increase in cardiac output follows all of the following except (a) physical exercise, (b) fever, (c) digestion, (d) parasympathetic stimulation through the vagus (tenth cranial) nerves. To clearly heart the sound of the bicuspid valve, a stethoscope should be placed (a) to the right of the sternum at the second intercostal space, (b) to the left of the sternum at the second intercostal space, (c) to the left of the sternum at the fifth intercostal space inferior to the nipple, (d) to the right of the sternum at the fifth intercostal space. During ventricular contraction, (a) all the blood is forced out of the ventricles, (b) some of the blood remains in the ventricles; (c) no blood is forced out of the ventricles, (d) some blood backflows into the atria. Initiation of the heartbeat, at 8 weeks after conception, marks the transition from embryo to fetus. Cutting the vagus (tenth cranial) nerves where they innervate the heart would increase the heart rate. A patent (open) ductus arteriosus in an adult permits blood flow from the pulmonary trunk to the aortic arch. The mediastinum, pericardial cavity, and two pleural cavities are compartments of the thoracic cavity. Chordae tendineae, papillary muscles, and trabeculae carneae are structural features unique to the ventricles of the heart. The is the space between the lungs in the thoracic cavity where the heart is positioned. The first sound of the heart, or "lub," is caused by closure of the valves. A patent foramen ovale is located within the septum of the heart. Depolarization of the causes ventricular contraction or systole. A heart is caused by turbulent blood flow or backflow of blood across a valve. Depolarization of the conduction myofibers causes ventricular contraction and the ejection of blood from the heart. The atria are also relaxed in preparation for the arrival of blood from the venae cavae and the pulmonary veins. False; epinephrine (adrenergic) increases both the heart rate and the force of contraction. False; angina pectoris is chest pain that is associated with ischemia (insufficient blood to the heart muscle), whereas heart damage is associated with a heart attack (myocardial infarction). Transport: Nutrients and oxygen are carried to all body cells, waste products and carbon dioxide are rvey carried from the cells to the organs of excretion, and hormones are carried from the endocrine glands to target tissues. Thermoregulation: the amount of heat lost from the body is regulated by the degree of blood flow through the skin.

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Each step in the process of replication is accomplished by enzymes designed specifically for that step (fig muscle relaxant lactation buy 30gr rumalaya gel with amex. An enzyme called helicase first unwinds the double helix into two parallel strands spasms esophagus cheap 30 gr rumalaya gel otc, then "unzips" the two strands. The various enzymes that function at different stages reduce the error rate to one in 10 billion bases copied. Still, they play an important role in creating diversity in the genetic makeup of a species. Common mutagens include radiation (from sunlight or x rays) and some chemicals found in our environment. What controls which section becomes introns is unknown, but the answer may provide insights into the larger question of gene expression and control. The order of the amino acids in the chain is called the primary structure of the protein. It is this structure that determines the properties and functions of the molecule. It occurs whenever body cells need to prodaughter cells with the same chromosomal content as the parent cell. The result of mitosis is two identical Meiosis is the process of gamete (sex cell) formation. It resembles mitosis in many ways, except that the end result is four daughter cells, each with half the chromosomal content of the parent cell (fig. Mutations that occur during meiosis, therefore, may establish traits or characteristics in all following generations. In all cells, except for gametes, each chromosome has a homologous partner chromosome containing genes for the same traits. This pairing of chromosomes with similar traits is called a diploid (2N) condition. The N chromosome number in humans is 23, and twice that number (or 46) is the number of chromosomes in each body cell. In mitosis, interaction between the homologous pairs is not critical, but in meiosis, gametes can form correctly only if each homologous pair separates in meiosis I. When one gamete from a parent organism is fertilized by combining with a gamete from another parent of the same species, the homologous chromosomes match up with each other. This interaction determines which genetic traits will be expressed in the offspring. It is through this process that various genes contained in the nucleus of the cell are turned on or turned off to produce cellular specializations. In this way, for example, an undifferentiated "stem" cell in red bone marrow may become a red blood cell or a white blood cell. Developing stem cells in the pancreas may become a group of endocrine, hormone-secreting cells or a group of exocrine, enzyme-producing cells. The ways in which cells differentiate depend on the needs of the organism and the built-in genetic mechanisms for control of development and function. Cells adjacent to each other or distant from each other must often communicate in order for a body rvey system to function normally. Cells may be connected to one another electrically where specialized protein channels allow the free exchange of ions. This current of ions is a rapid form of communication between cells and allows for coordinated activity between groups of cells. It is at the synapse where chemical messengers (neurotransmitters) have their effect (see chapter 9). Protein hormones are produced through the process of translation (as are other proteins) at a ribosome. Because the hormone is destined for secretion from the cell, the protein is contained in a membrane vesicle and packaged for secretion by the Golgi apparatus (see table 3. Certain specialized cells within the body are linked to one another by large and nonspecific protein channels or pores. Because the cells are linked in this fashion, this type of interaction is extremely fast and allows large groups of cells to act with a high degree of synchrony.

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The lesser omentum extends between the liver and the lesser curvature of the stomach muscle relaxants for tmj effective rumalaya gel 30 gr. The greater omentum extends from the greater curvature of the stomach to the transverse colon back spasms 5 weeks pregnant purchase 30gr rumalaya gel amex, forming an apronlike structure over the small intestine. The omentum stores fat, cushions visceral organs, supports lymph nodes, and protects against the spread of infection. Being a doublefolded structure, the mesentery also encloses the vessels and nerves that go to and from the intestines. Peritonitis is an inflammation of the peritoneum caused by bacterial contamination of the peritoneal cavity. The submucosal plexus, or plexus of Meissner, provides autonomic innervation to the muscularis mucosae (a thin layer of smooth muscle of the tunica mucosa). The pharynx, which is posterior to the oral cavity, is a common passageway for the respiratory and digestive systems. The teeth present in both the upper and lower jaw are listed below, and their locations can be noted in fig. There are four upper and four lower chisel-shaped anteriormost incisors, adapted for cutting and shearing food. There are two upper and two lower cone-shaped canines (eye teeth), adapted for holding and tearing. There are four upper and four lower premolars (bicuspids) with roughened cusps, adapted for crushing and grinding food. There are six upper and six lower molars (the posteriormost four of which are the wisdom teeth); adapted for crushing and grinding food. An impacted tooth is one that cannot emerge through the gum, and so becomes rotated, displaced, or tilted. An impacted wisdom tooth is common because the jaws are formed and the other teeth are in place long before a wisdom tooth tries to emerge. Heterodontia refers to the differentiation of teeth for different tasks (see problem 19. Diphyodontia refers to the development of two sets of teeth in a lifetime; in humans, there are 20 deciduous (baby) teeth, or milk teeth, and 32 permanent teeth. The dentin provides structural support to the tooth; it surrounds the pulp, which contains nerves and blood and lymph vessels. A thin layer of cementum fastens the tooth to the periodontal ligament, which borders a tooth socket called a dental alveolus. A root canal, in each root, for passage of vessels and nerves communicates with the pulp cavity through an apical foramen. The gingiva, or gum, is the fleshy covering over the mandible and maxilla through which the teeth protrude into the oral cavity. The saliva cleanses the teeth, initiates carbohydrate digestion through the action of amylase (see table 19. The tongue moves food around in the mouth during mastication and assists in swallowing. The palate is the roof of the oral cavity, consisting anteriorly of the bony hard palate and posteriorly of the soft palate. Transverse ridges, called palatal rugae, are located along the mucous membranes of the hard palate, where they serve as friction bands against which the tongue is placed during swallowing. During swallowing, the soft palate and uvula are drawn upward, closing the nasopharynx and preventing food and fluid from entering the nasal cavity. It serves the digestive system (with the passage of food and fluid) and the respiratory system (with the passage of air). The upper third of the esophagus contains skeletal muscle, the middle third contains skeletal and smooth muscle, and the lower third contains smooth muscle only. This includes chewing of the food and the formation of a bolus that is forced against the soft palate with the elevated tongue. The second stage, the involuntary deglutition reflex, begins when pharyngeal sensory receptors are stimulated. During this stage, the uvula is elevated, sealing off the nasal cavity; the hyoid bone and larynx are elevated, so that food or fluid is less likely to enter the trachea; and the esophagus is opened. During the third stage, the bolus or fluid enters the esophagus and is transported to the stomach by peristalsis.

Many hospitals and doctors appear especially concerned about spinal or epidural opioids muscle relaxant review buy generic rumalaya gel 30 gr on-line, but when they are used correctly spasms versus spasticity 30gr rumalaya gel mastercard, case series suggest a significantly higher risk of clinically important respiratory depression associated with intravenous opioid. Postoperative epidural analgesia is less likely to be available but is highly effective. It can be achieved with single or repeated (8­12 hourly) doses of morphine 3 mg or in technology-rich hospitals, with epidural infusion or patient- What are the effects of these drugs on the breastfed baby? With a couple of exceptions, especially those applying to pethidine (meperidine), Agnes can be assured that all these drugs have been evaluated well and that they are considered safe and acceptable to use in the first few days after delivery. At this time, production of breast milk is increasingly rapidly, but the content is still changing from protein-rich colostrum, which is a poor transfer medium for most drugs, to fat-rich milk. Aspirin is not as good a choice as paracetamol/ acetaminophen, which has no detectable effects despite immature glucuronide conjugation. These epidural methods are associated with lower rates of opioid consumption (by 20­50%) than intravenous opioid and although short-term epidural opioid administration after cesarean delivery has not been well investigated, clinical experience suggests the breastfed neonate is not affected. Tramadol (50­100 mg intravenous or oral, repeated 2 hourly to a maximum of 600 mg per day) is also an excellent choice for postoperative pain relief. Agnes can also be reassured that short-term use for a couple of days immediately postpartum is associated with low transfer of drug into breast milk (less than 3%) and that there are no apparent effects on the baby. However, they have not yet been adequately evaluated during human lactation, and although the risk of affecting the breastfeeding baby appears low, safety cannot be guaranteed. Some countries may also have intravenous paracetamol/acetaminophen, which provides higher and more rapid peak plasma concentrations than an equivalent oral dose. The injection is made just above the pelvic brim in the posterior section of the triangle of Petit, in the gap between latissimus dorsi and the external oblique muscle. A "two-pop" (or in some countries ultrasound-guided) technique (as the blunt-tip needle passes through the external oblique fascial extension, then internal oblique fascia) allows local anesthetic to be deposited between the internal oblique and transverse abdominis muscles. Case report 3 (analgesics in later pregnancy) the nurse comes to tell you that Martine, a healthy woman in her fourth pregnancy at 33 weeks gestation who is attending the antenatal clinic, has been complaining of severe stabbing pain both at the back of her pelvis and low down at the front. The pain has been getting progressively worse for several weeks, and Martine can no longer care properly for her children. She finds it very painful to rise from a sitting position and is more comfortable crawling around the house on all four limbs than walking. When you see Martine, she explains that it took her 2 hours to walk from her house to the clinic, a journey that usually takes her 20 minutes. She is very tender to palpation over both the suprapubic region and upper buttocks. You explain that she appears to have symphysial diastasis with significant separation and secondary disruption and inflammation at the sacroiliac joints. You tell her that she can start on some strong medications if she has not improved within a week. Wound infusion of local anesthetic (or perhaps even diclofenac) is effective in reducing the dose of opioid needed, but it requires expensive pumps and wound catheters, so it is not likely to be available. If there is a doctor with suitable training, bilateral ilioinguinal and iliohypogastric blocks into the abdominal wall near the anterior iliac crest, or a rectus sheath block, can achieve similar opioid dose-sparing in the first 12­24 hours. This regional analgesic block is performed using, for example, 20 mL What sort of painful conditions occur during pregnancy? Diastasis of the pubic symphysis is an example of a very painful and disabling condition that frequently occurs during and after pregnancy. However, the principles of drug treatment for pain present after the first trimester of pregnancy can be applied to most painful conditions or diseases, including musculoskeletal pain (other examples are lumbar vertebral facet pain, disk protrusion or rupture); visceral pain (cholecystitis, renal Chapter Title colic, degenerating uterine fibroids, or bowel pain); neuropathic pain (intercostal neuralgia, meralgia paresthetica of the lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh, iliohypogastric and genitofemoral neuralgia, various cancer-induced neuralgias, post-traumatic complex regional pain syndrome, or post-amputation pain); migraine; and invasive cancer pain. Irrespective of the cause of the pain, nonpharmacological pain management options should be considered and tried, where possible, before analgesic drugs are used for acute pain that appears likely to require prolonged treatment or a stepwise approach to continued management. Your plan for Martine should start with physical therapies (for example referral to a therapist for a sacroiliac pelvic support belt; gentle manipulation and postural exercises; and local application of heat or ice, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, acupuncture or similar treatments), but it would also be reasonable to introduce nonopioid analgesic drugs, bearing in mind their safety for the fetus and neonate. Paracetamol (acetaminophen) has been used in millions of pregnant women and is safe. Tramadol has not been evaluated in large trials during pregnancy but is widely used after the first trimester, so it would be acceptable for short-term use for Martine to reduce the severe pain until other measures have had a chance to become effective. It would not be ideal to continue tramadol for several weeks until the time of delivery, because a neonatal withdrawal syndrome at 24­36 hours has been reported. These drugs prevent prostaglandin-induced myometrial gap junction formation and transmembrane influx and sarcolemmal release of calcium, making indomethacin an effective tocolytic drug that has been used to prevent preterm labor after the period of organogenesis. However, they are contraindicated in later pregnancy, certainly after 32 weeks gestation (as applies to Martine), and some would argue from the start of fetal viability (23­24 weeks in resource-rich countries and hospitals).

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  • https://www.seymourjohnson.af.mil/Portals/105/Documents/MDG%20Docs/AFI%2048-123.pdf?ver=2016-02-17-110439-997
  • https://www.atlantapublicschools.us/cms/lib/GA01000924/Centricity/Domain/7647/Reading%20Essentials%20for%20Biology.pdf