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By: Paul J. Gertler PhD

  • Professor, Graduate Program in Health Management


Siblings who are hooked on computer games may play together and exchange cheat codes symptoms 8 weeks pregnant buy generic diamox 250mg on-line. Although parents and siblings influence children in the family environment treatment renal cell carcinoma discount diamox 250 mg with visa, family members are also influenced by their peers. Children are sometimes "forced" to watch certain television programs in order to keep up with their friends. They may need to follow up on the latest computer games or certain Internet sites in order to be "cool" and to be accepted by peers. This peer pressure may cause problems for family functioning when, for example, parents do not want children to connect to the Internet or forbid children to play certain computer games. For example, they can be pressured by colleagues to have email at home or to do electronic banking. Indeed, even nontraditional families appear to subscribe to conventional family values. Consistent with this family model, males exhibit behaviors often associated with relational power. For example, compared to wives and mothers, husbands and fathers are more talkative, more likely to act unilaterally, more likely to blame, and more likely to seek compliance from other family members. Likewise, in sibling relations females are less likely than males to use commands and more likely to seek information, to show affection, and to provide reassurance. In both adult and child relations, males are more likely than their female counterparts to use reasoning during conflict. Finally, parent-child relations are seen to be mutually satisfying in that children are compliant and seek parental attention, whereas parents behave in complementary ways, providing discipline, support, and affection. In sum, content analysis often suggests that television life is based on a traditional model in which rights and responsibilities are divided on the basis of gender. Perhaps because spousal, parent-child, and sibling relations are noncompetitive, conflict is seen to be comparatively rare and easily resolved. In a larger sense, family relations are judged to be affectionate, involving, and mutually fulfilling. There are only two potential violations of this model: the nature of working-class families and the status of contemporary fathers. More specifically, working-class males are portrayed as inept, immature, stupid, lacking in good sense, and emotional, and they are increasingly the butts of jokes, especially those told by mothers. At the same time, working-class wives are more likely to be portrayed as relatively intelligent, rational, and responsible. However, although this may not conform to the "Tarzan­Jane" ideology apparent in middle-class television families, workingclass families are more cohesive, more helpful, and both friendlier and happier than middle-class families, suggesting that the general effectiveness of the traditional family model is unaffected. For the most part, scholars have concluded that contemporary television families are little different from their 1950s counterparts. According to this position, television family relationships remain characterized by mutual affection, involvement, and concern; family life continues to be played out in explicit ease and comfort, reflecting an established ideology of achievement and success. In contrast, critics argue that, not only have family relationships become highly conflictual, but contemporary parents, especially fathers, lack both authority and good sense, and modern children are undisciplined and disrespectful. Because almost all discussion of television families has focused on those depicted in domestic comedy, it is unlikely that opinion is divided as a function of program type. Specifically, content analyses appear to encourage the conclusion that, with rare exception, television family life and relations are warm, respectful, and orderly. Attributional analyses, meanwhile, center on the sense that viewers make of television content and offer considerable evidence of decline in the television family experience, especially that of television children. In addition, although contemporary spouses were seen as more argumentative, they were also judged more explicitly affectionate and more sexually intimate, implying that spousal relations have become more emotionally expressive and not simply more conflictual. Like earlier spouses, modern couples were defined as mutually involved, trusting, able to manage the routine of day-to-day life, happy, and likely to remain together. Notably, this model of contentment and stability did not generalize to working-class spousal relations, which were seen as comparatively closed, highly conflictual, and unsatisfying.

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However symptoms during pregnancy purchase 250mg diamox, associated difficulties in peer relationships symptoms 7 weeks pregnant generic diamox 250 mg otc, emotional disturbance, behavioural disruption, and/or overactivity and inattention are not uncommon, particularly in school-age children. In a minority of cases there may be some associated partial (often selective) hearing loss, but this should not be of a severity sufficient to account for the language delay. Inadequate involvement in conversational interchanges, or more general environmental privation, may play a major or contributory role in the impaired development of expressive language. The impairment in spoken language should have been evident from infancy without any clear prolonged phase of normal language usage. However, a history of apparently normal first use of a few single words, followed by a setback or failure to progress, is not uncommon. In almost all cases, expressive language is markedly disturbed and abnormalities in word-sound production are common. Diagnostic guidelines Failure to respond to familiar names (in the absence of nonverbal clues) by the first birthday, inability to identify at least a few common objects by 18 months, or failure to follow simple, routine instructions by the age of 2 years should be taken as significant signs of delay. Later difficulties - 186 - include inability to understand grammatical structures (negatives, questions, comparatives, etc. In almost all cases, the development of expressive language is also severely delayed and abnormalities in word-sound production are common. Of all the varieties of specific developmental disorders of speech and language, this has the highest rate of associated socio-emotional-behavioural disturbance. Such disturbances do not take any specific form, but hyperactivity and inattention, social ineptness and isolation from peers, and anxiety, sensitivity, or undue shyness are all relatively frequent. Children with the most severe forms of receptive language impairment may be somewhat delayed in their social development, may echo language that they do not understand, and may show somewhat restricted interest patterns. However, they differ from autistic children in usually showing normal social reciprocity, normal make-believe play, normal use of parents for comfort, near-normal use of gesture, and only mild impairments in nonverbal communication. Some degree of high-frequency hearing loss is not infrequent, but the degree of deafness is not sufficient to account for the language impairment. Typically the onset is between the ages of 3 and 7 years but the disorder can arise earlier or later in childhood. In a quarter of cases the loss of language occurs gradually over a period of some months, but more often the loss is abrupt, with skills being lost over days or weeks. The temporal association between onset of - 187 - seizures and loss of language is rather variable, with either one preceding the other by a few months to 2 years. It is highly characteristic that the impairment of receptive language is profound, with difficulties in auditory comprehension often being the first manifestation of the condition. Some children become mute, some are restricted to jargon-like sounds, and some show milder deficits in word fluency and output often accompanied by misarticulations. Sometimes language functions appear fluctuating in the early phases of the disorder. Behavioural and emotional disturbances are quite common in the months after the initial language loss, but they tend to improve as the child acquires some means of communication. The etiology of the condition is not known but the clinical characteristics suggest the possibility of an inflammatory encephalitic process. The course of the disorder is quite variable: about two-thirds of the children are left with a more or less severe receptive language deficit and about a third make a complete recovery. Excludes: known acquired aphasia due to cerebral trauma, tumour or other disease process autism (F84. These are disorders in which the normal patterns of skill acquisition are disturbed from the early stages of development. They are not simply a consequence of a lack of opportunity to learn, nor are they due to any form of acquired brain trauma or disease. Rather, the disorders are thought to stem from abnormalities in cognitive processing that derive largely from some type of biological dysfunction. As with most other - 188 - developmental disorders, the conditions are substantially more common in boys than in girls. First, there is the need to differentiate the disorders from normal variations in scholastic achievement.

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