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By: Sarah Gamble PhD

  • Lecturer, Interdisciplinary


If the topic is taught with inadequate breadth or depth fast acting antibiotics for acne purchase amoxil 1000 mg with visa, students are unable to draw connections between historical events and the concurrent struggles for racial equality or to contextualize how the world they inhabit today was shaped by the institution of slavery and its ideological progeny antibiotic bactrim uses buy amoxil 250mg online, white supremacy. The framework was welcomed and has been widely used by teachers, scholars and educational leaders at all levels, many of whom have engaged with us to expand the work. This new edition tells a substantially more inclusive story about American slavery-one that includes the enslavement of Indigenous people. This framework and its elementary companion are the results of extensive work with historians and educators. We are confident that it will improve upon the support we offer to educators seeking to teach the essential history of American slavery. The Framework begins with 10 "Key Concepts," important ideas that students 1 need to truly understand if they are to grasp the historical significance of slavery. The Key Concepts also serve as tools educators can use to structure their teaching. These ideas are expanded in the chronological scope and sequence, which breaks the framework into five eras to provide a blueprint for integrating American slavery across the entire span of pre-1877 American history. Each era is designated with a section title and with dates so teachers can skip to a particular time period or consult the framework continuously as they move through their courses. Many of these resources-and scores of other primary and secondary sources-are available for download in the Teaching Hard History Text Library. Slavery, which was practiced by Europeans prior to their arrival inthe Americas, was important to all of the colonial powers and existed in all of the European North American colonies. Slavery and the slave trade were central to the development and growth of the economy across British North America and, later, the United States. Protections for slavery were embedded in the founding documents; enslavers dominated the federal government, Supreme Court and Senate from 1787 through 1860. Enslaved people resisted the e orts of their enslavers to reduce them to commodities in both revolutionary and everyday ways. Enslaved and free people of African descent had a profound impact on American culture, producing leaders and literary, artistic and folk traditions that continue to influence the nation. By knowing how to read and interpret the sources that tell the story of American slavery, we gain insight into some of what enslaving and enslaved Americans aspired to , created, thought and desired. Even the plantation system itself did not begin with African labor: Until the 1450s, European ugar planters in the Mediterranean imported enslaved laborers from parts of Eastern Europe and Central Asia. B Slavery was widespread in larger African kingdoms (the Kongo and Asante, for example). In South Carolina, English enslavement of Native Americans was so pervasive and lucrative that it financed the rise of American rice plantations. It is accessible as a reading assignment for upper-level students or can be used as teacher preparation. Slavery was not always intergenerational; the children of enslaved parents were not necessarily enslaved. The demand for enslaved people in the European colonies of the Western Hemisphere greatly expanded the African slave trade beyond its traditional wartime context. Europeans believed that dark skin color (which they hyperbolically described as "black"), lack of Christianity and different styles of dress were evidence that Africans were less civilized. But others had a built-in flexibility about slavery, so enslaved people could integrate into their societies and even become people of power and influence. Abolitionists used this image to convey the horrifying conditions enslaved people su ered while being forcibly transported from Africa to the Americas. Portuguese chronicler Gomes Eannes de Azurara compiled accounts of the slave trade circa 1450. A In the 1400s, Portugal was the earliest participant in the transaltantic slave trade. Western Hemispheric destinations of captive Africans included South America, the Caribbean and North America. C the Middle Passage was the voyage of enslaved people from the west coast of Africa to the Americas. Some white colonists engaged in wars for the explicit purpose of acquiring Native Americans 1. The library is searchable by topic, author or grade level, and each text includes an introduction and reading questions for students.

If a healthy diet composed of a variety of different foods that meets your energy requirements is consumed antibiotic resistance kpc buy amoxil 1000mg lowest price, daily vitamin and mineral needs should be met (see Chapter 4 for information on food sources of various vitamins and minerals) antimicrobial zinc gel 500mg amoxil otc. Because endurance exercise may increase the need for antioxidants due to increases in free radical exposure and cellular breakdown, it is recommended that several foods rich in natural antioxidants (vitamin C, vitamin E and beta carotene) be consumed, as shown in the table below. Some Good Food Sources of Selected Antioxidant Nutrients Vitamin C Orange juice Grapefruit juice Broccoli Orange Strawberries Cauliflower Red, yellow peppers Papaya Dried berries Vitamin E Sunflower seeds Wheat germ Almonds Peanuts Spinach Olive oil Tomato Kiwi Mango Carotenoids Carrots Spinach Cantaloupe Broccoli Winter squash Dried apricots Sweet potatoes Mango Pumpkin One important consideration is electrolyte (sodium and potassium) balance, particularly when training in hot weather. Adequate sodium is usu- 72 ally not a problem, unless you are on a sodium-restricted diet. See Chapter 4 for good food sources of potassium or click here for food sources of minerals. Fluid Requirements Ingesting fluids at regular intervals and eating foods with high water content are important for maintaining hydration and fluid status during training. Chapter 3 provides a thorough overview of fluid requirements and different types of beverages. When drinking plain water (without sodium), blood levels of sodium may become low and result in "hyponatremia," or low blood sodium. This condition is associated with severe headaches, diarrhea and nausea and, potentially, convulsions and death. Nutritional Interventions for Endurance Nutritional manipulations/interventions can delay fatigue and prevent conditions detrimental to health and performance such as low blood sugar, dehydration, and low blood sodium. Food selections are personal choices, but some foods may cause stomach cramps and diarrhea if eaten during exercise. Dietary fiber intake should be limited during endurance exercise to avoid gastrointestinal discomfort and possible pitstops in the woods for relief. All foods used for replenishment during sustained operations and exercise sessions should be "familiar" foods. Dietary manipulations should be tested during training to ensure they are tolerated during operations. A strength training program enhances physical conditioning, builds functional strength and allows you to perform and complete strenuous missions. In addition, the appropriate strength training program combined with a well planned nutritional strategy can help optimize performance and prevent musculoskeletal injuries. In this chapter, information on strength training and the unique dietary requirements for this training will be provided. Benefits of Strength Training Strength training should complement endurance training workouts. Because strength training makes you stronger, the risk of injuries that may accompany endurance training is reduced. Finally, strength training can make you faster at tasks requiring short bursts of activity. The mechanical and metabolic demands imposed on skeletal muscle require a constant "remodeling," or breaking down and rebuilding of various muscle proteins that support muscle contraction (structural) and muscle metabolism (functional). This remodeling is critical to maintain and ensure muscle quality-if proteins were not constantly being broken down, damaged proteins would prevail. Various factors regulate the balance between breaking down and building up, as well as the quantity and quality, of proteins. Specificity Principles of Training Overload Progression == Click here for more general information on strength training in PowerPoint. When these important principles are integrated into the physical training program, positive outcomes and fewer injuries can be expected.

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Similar headlines have appeared in recent years in the National Enquirer and other weekly tabloid newspapers with wide circulation medicine for dog uti over the counter buy generic amoxil 650mg online. The Prevention article suggests that 500 mg per day may not be enough and states that a researcher who tested megavitamin Con guinea pigs now takes 3 virus 5 day fever purchase 650 mg amoxil amex,000 mg per day himself. At the outset, we note that by 1975, experts recognized two opposite effects of vitamin C on cholesterol in humans. First, vitamin C promotes the action of the liver enzyme involved in making about 800 to 1,500 mg of new cholesterol each day. Second, directly or indirectly, vitamin C is involved with the liver enzyme that controls the first step in the conversion of cholesterol to bile acids-the only route the body has for getting rid of excess cholesterol. Between 1940 and 1960, most of the studies of vitamin C on animals and humans were done by Russian scientists. These were summarized in 1961 by Simonson and Keys1 in a review article called "Research in Russia on Vitamins and Atherosclerosis. Carl Shaffer2 reviewed many reports from Russia and elsewhere and concluded that persons with "normal" intakes of 45 to 100 mg of vitamin C will receive no additional benefit from extra vitamin C with respect to blood cholesterol levels or atherosclerosis. An outline of such research reports follows: 1) Vitamin C can reduce blood cholesterol in C-deficient humans. Many attempts have been made to try to reduce high-normal (200-250 mg%) levels of blood cholesterol with oral megadose vitamin C in humans. Mo Attempts to reduce high (above 250 mg%) or very-high (above 300 mg%) blood levels of cholesterol by oral megadose vitamin C in humans have also failed in all of the reports I could find. Failures in attempts to lower blood cholesterol levels in rabbits with extra vitamin C were reported by Flexner 16 in 1941, W. However, Finamore,19 has done another study of the effect of vitamin C injections on atherosclerotic plaques induced in the arteries of rabbits. No difference in the severity of plaques was found between the rabbits injected with vitamin C for 10 weeks and those injected with salt water. Surprisingly, this is what happens with the nomadic herdsmen of the Masai and Turhana tribes of Kenya, Africa. Their blood serum levels of vitamin C were only one-tenth the normal range, yet they showed no clinical signs of scurvy. All of them had blood cholesterol levels below 170 mg%, and most were below 150 mg%. Apparently, vigorous daily physical activity over a lifetime (or genetic factors) had caused the diameters of their heart arteries to enlarge gradually and permit good blood flow despite the plaques. Mann said in 1980 that nobody yet knows, but attention is being focused on factors in milk, especially in fermented milk such as yogurt (see Chapter 23). Mixed results were obtained in two studies, one team 33 finding no benefit for healthy women but moderate benefit for male volunteers. The other group 84 found no beneficial shift of cholesterol in S healthy volunteers but achieved a modest beneficial shift in 22 of 26 patients with benign breast cysts (see Chapter 9). Effects of Other Vitamins on Blood Cholesterol I can find no reports of studies of the effects of vitamins A, D, thiamin (B1) or riboflavin (B2) on blood cholesterol in humans. Kummerow, 86 excessive vitamin D is a villain which can injure artery walls, causing thickening and hardening (arteriosclerosis, not atherosclerosis). In humans, megadosage of niacin (nicotinic acid), 1,000 to 5,000 mg daily, can lower blood cholesterol levels. Also, among 1, 119 men treated for 6 years with megadose niacin, many developed dangerously irregular heartbeats (see Chapter 11). I can find no reports of megadose pyridoxine effects on blood cholesterol in humans or animals. Kilmer McCully40 theorizes that pyridoxine deficiency leads to an accumulation of homocysteine which is injurious to the artery wall. However, several other researchers have found no change in blood cholesterol after several weeks or more on megadose-E.

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