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By: Jay Graham PhD, MBA, MPH

  • Assistant Professor in Residence, Environmental Health Sciences


This constriction results from the decreasing secretion of hormones impotence libido generic top avana 80mg visa, primarily progesterone erectile dysfunction labs cheap top avana 80 mg free shipping, by the degenerating corpus luteum. In addition to vascular changes, the hormone withdrawal results in the stoppage of glandular secretion, a loss of interstitial fluid, and a marked shrinking of the endometrium. Toward the end of the ischemic phase, the spiral arteries become constricted for longer periods. This results in venous stasis and patchy ischemic necrosis (death) in the superficial tissues. Eventually, rupture of damaged vessel walls follows and blood seeps into the surrounding connective tissue. Small pools of blood form and break through the endometrial surface, resulting in bleeding into the uterine lumen and from the vagina. As small pieces of the endometrium detach and pass into the uterine cavity, the torn ends of the arteries bleed into the uterine cavity, resulting in a loss of 20 to 80 mL of blood. Eventually, over 3 to 5 days, the entire compact layer and most of the spongy layer of the endometrium are discarded in the menses. Remnants of the spongy and basal layers remain to undergo regeneration during the subsequent proliferative phase of the endometrium. It is obvious from the previous descriptions that the cyclic hormonal activity of the ovary is intimately linked with cyclic histologic changes in the endometrium. Integration link: Endometrium at onset of menstruation Histology If fertilization occurs: Cleavage of the zygote and blastogenesis (formation of blastocyst) occur. The blastocyst begins to implant in the endometrium on approximately the sixth day of the luteal phase (day 20 of a 28-day cycle). Human chorionic gonadotropin, a hormone produced by the syncytiotrophoblast (see. If pregnancy occurs, the menstrual cycles cease and the endometrium passes into a pregnancy phase. With the termination of pregnancy, the ovarian and menstrual cycles resume after a variable period (usually 6 to 10 weeks if the woman is not breast-feeding her baby). If pregnancy does not occur, the reproductive cycles normally continue until menopause. During ovulation, the fimbriated end of the uterine tube becomes closely applied to the ovary. The fingerlike processes of the tube, fimbriae, move back and forth over the ovary. The sweeping action of the fimbriae and fluid currents produced by the cilia of the mucosal cells of the fimbriae "sweep" the secondary oocyte into the funnel-shaped infundibulum of the uterine tube. The oocyte passes into the ampulla of the tube, mainly as the result of peristalsis-movements of the wall of the tube characterized by alternate contraction and relaxation-that pass toward the uterus. Integration link: Ectopic pregnancy Figure 2-12 Illustrations of the movement of the uterine tube that occurs during ovulation. Its fingerlike fimbriae move back and forth over the ovary and "sweep" the secondary oocyte into the infundibulum as soon as it is expelled from the ovary during ovulation. Sperm Transport From their storage site in the epididymis, mainly in its tail, the sperms are rapidly transported to the urethra by peristaltic contractions of the thick muscular coat of the ductus deferens. The accessory sex glands-seminal glands (vesicles), prostate, and bulbourethral glands-produce secretions that are added to the sperm-containing fluid in the ductus deferens and urethra (see. From 200 to 600 million sperms are deposited around the external os of the uterus and in the fornix of the vagina during sexual intercourse. The enzyme vesiculase, produced by the seminal glands, coagulates some of the semen or ejaculate and forms a vaginal plug that may prevent the backflow of semen into the vagina. When ovulation occurs, the cervical mucus increases in amount and becomes less viscid, making it more favorable for sperm transport. The reflex ejaculation of semen may be divided into two phases: Emission: Semen is delivered to the prostatic part of the urethra through the ejaculatory ducts after peristalsis of the ductus deferens; emission is a sympathetic response. Ejaculation: Semen is expelled from the urethra through the external urethral orifice; this results from closure of the vesical sphincter at the neck of the bladder, contraction of urethral muscle, and contraction of the bulbospongiosus muscles. Passage of sperms through the uterus and uterine tubes results mainly from muscular contractions of the walls of these organs. Prostaglandins in the semen are thought to stimulate uterine motility at the time of intercourse and assist in the movement of sperms to the site of fertilization in the ampulla of the tube.

A long-faced person tends to have a large mandibular plane angle impotence uk discount top avana 80 mg without a prescription, whereas a short -faced person has a smaller mandibular plane angle (Figure 30-49) impotence pumps buy generic top avana 80 mg on line. Maxillary and mandibular dental position is evaluated by measuring overjet, overbite, and the axial and bodily posi tion ofthe incisors. Overjet and overbite are simple measure ments taken from the facial surfaces and incisal edges of the incisors, respectively (Figure 30-50). Axial inclination is deter mined from the angle formed by the intersection of the long axis of the incisor with the appropriate nasion-A point or nasion-B point lines. Bodily position is a measure of linear distance from the facial surface of the incisor to the reference line46 (Figure dible are evaluated by comparing the A point (maxilla) a nd pogonion (mandible) with a vertica l reference line. In a well-positioned maxilla, the A point is located near the vertical reference l ine. The pogonion is normally 5 mm behind the vertical line in a properly positioned mandible. The division between upper a nd lower facial height is made at the palatal plane (a line connecting the anterior and posterior nasal spines). The mea surements are used to construct facial height relations or are com pared with age-appropriate norms. Lip position may be different on the head fihn depending on whether the patient was in a relaxed posture (as recom mended) or was straining to put the lips together when the film was made. The Ricketts E line) which is convenient to use, is a line connecting the tip of the nose with the anterior contour of the chin (Figure 30-52). In the permanent dentition, the upper lip is normally 1 mm behind the line and the lower lip is on the line or slightly behind it. The clinician also should remember that hard and soft tissue analyses vary according to the ethnic background of the patient. Serial cephalo metric radiographs obtained before treatment, before and during treatment, or before and after treatment are often useful for evaluating growth, treatment progress, or treat ment result, respectively. Serial cephalometric head films can be superimposed to illustrate changes in jaw and tooth positions. The observed changes are a combination of tooth movement and growth, and it is difficult to differentiate one from the other. To superimpose head films, one must locate an area in the head that is relatively unchanged over the time period in question, that is, an area that is not affected by growth or treatment from which change can be determined. Traditionally, three superimpositions are made with each pair of serial cephalo metric radiographs when growth and treatment changes are being evaluated. The comparison is made by superimposing the structures of the anterior cranial base or along the sella nasion line registering at the sella. A large mandibular plane a ngle is normally indicative of a long lower facial height. B, Conversely, a small man dibular plane angle is indicative of a short lower facial height. To demonstrate the amount and direction of dental change, structures of the maxilla and mandible are superimposed to eliminate all skel etal change from the evaluation (see Figure 30-53, B and C). In the maxilla, the zygomatic process and anterior palatal vault are superimposed to find the best fit. In the mandible) the inner surface of the mandibular symphysis, the outline of the mandibular canal, and the unerupted third molar crypts are superimposed. The image produced from the radio graphic scan allows the clinician to study the area of interest from multiple vantage points. Computer software can render the image in three dimensions so the patient and clinician can better understand the spatial relationships of the teeth and skeletal structures. For example, if a maxillary canine is impacted, tradi tional panoramic and cephalometric. The clinician has historically gathered additional information from periapical radiographs, yet there is still some guess work of where the canine is positioned. The cone beam scan can give the clinician precise information on the position of the impacted canine, its angulation, its proximity to other teeth, possible resorption of teeth and the amount of bone surrounding the tooth. The main disadvantage of the cone beam scan is the amount of radiation the patient is exposed to compared with a traditional radiographic exam.

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Their best results were obtained for P2 (however erectile dysfunction and diabetes medications cheap 80 mg top avana with amex, the best results for this set have been obtained by LogMap) impotence nerve order 80mg top avana otc. Contrary to what would be expected, these systems (and all others, in fact) were not able to generate subsumption (even though some have been designed to). When relaxing to both partial and total agreements the results drop even more (P4). Moreover, precision is low if we compare the results when the same systems are matching domain ontologies13. It summarizes the correspondences considered correct by at least 1, 2 or by all 3 evaluators. The table also indicates the number of times a relation of equivalence found by the matchers were considered equivalence or subsumption by the evaluators. It shows that 14 out 28 correspondences made by the tools were considered as equivalent or subsumed by at least 1 evaluator. Total agreement happened in 7 of these cases (after discussion on the cases of total disagreement). Regarding the qualitative analysis of the alignments, we observe that the systems found various correspondences between concepts with the same term ("Abstract", "Chair", "Paper", "Workshop", "Organization", "Poster" and "Publisher"). This is quite expected as all tools are based on some string-based matching strategy. However, many of them were considered as having no correspondence by the evaluators 21 ("Abstract", "Chair", "Paper", "Workshop"). Some other concepts were aligned by three or two different tools, but most concepts were aligned just by one. The other correspondences provided by the tools which were considered no correspondent by all the evaluators can be found in Table 1. There were correspondences with the same term which were considered equivalent by the evaluators: ­ "Organization" in the top-level ontology is defined as: a group of people with a common purpose or function in a corporate or similar institution, the same as in the conference domain. For some concepts, all evaluators considered that there was a correspondence but selected subsumption instead of equivalence: ­ Organizer and organism: the first concept refers to people who organizes conferences and the second refers to a living individual, then, the concept "Organizer" was considered as subsumed by "Organism". The main characteristic of the second concept is that they are endurants with unity and most physical objects change some of their parts while keeping their identity, they can have therefore temporary parts. In this case, one "Registered applicant" is a person who in some specific time interval assumes this role, but keeping their identity as person, then, it was considered as subsumed by "Physical-object". In this case, one "Registered applicant" is something that exists, than, the first concept was considered as subsumed by "Entity". An important aspect is that finding subsumption correspondences is in fact highly desirable when matching domain and top-level ontologies. However the matchers we tested in this experiment were not able to generate subsumption, even if some of them (Aroma, for instance) are supposed to do so. Finally, our analysis does not take into account the inconsistencies introduced in the merging alignments from all tools. In fact, it is contradictory that Conference applicant aligns to Non physical object and Registered applicant to Physical object, considered that the 22 latter is a subclass of Conference applicant in the domain ontology. We could as well enrich the set of manually validated correspondences by introducing simple hierarchical reasoning. To sum up, although the number of evaluators is relatively small, it allowed us to establish a first evaluation of available tools on the task. Our study was useful to observe various questions in the task of matching ontologies of different levels of abstraction: ­ there was a small quantity of aligned concepts by the tools in general (in total, 18 of 60 concepts), even considering all concepts provided by the top ontologies; ­ there were many produced correspondences which were not considered as correspondences by the specialists, many string matching cases which are usually safe in same domain correspondences did not apply, according to our study; ­ there is a lack of comprehensive evaluation data sets (regarding domain vs. Our goal was to analyse the behaviour of these tools, which apply diverse matching techniques, with respect to this task. We could observe that matching top-level and domain ontologies automatically is an interesting and challenging task. Top-level ontologies focus on the standardisation of more general concepts to be easily reused in a large amount of domains. On the other hand, there are a lot of domain ontologies available in different fields. Therefore, we claim that it is important to reuse the well-founded knowledge available in the top-level ontologies together with the domain ontologies to reduce the time of ontology modeling, the heterogeneity problem of the knowledge representation, and the complexity of ontology modeling.

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Recent careful dissections have demonstrated it to be a separate entity with its own vascular and nerve supply impotence yahoo buy 80 mg top avana mastercard. One of the subdivisions of the posterior triangle impotence herbal remedies purchase top avana 80mg without prescription, bounded by the inferior belly of the omohyoid muscle, the sternocleidomastoid muscle, and the middle one third of the clavicle. One of the subdivisions of the anterior triangle of the neck, bounded by both bellies of the digastric muscle and the inferior border of the mandible. It is bounded by the anterior bellies of the digastric muscles and the hyoid bone. A triangular area in the back of the neck, circumscribed by three muscles: rectus capitis posterior major, obliquus capitis superior, and inferior. A depression or groove located between gyri on the surface of the cerebral hemispheres. A posteriorly directed, V-shaped located very near the viscera or glands to be innervated. Major vessel of the lymphatic system delivering lymph to the left subclavian vein. Remnants of the embryologic origins and migratory path of the tissue destined to be the thyroid. The superior-most ganglion of the cervical sympathetic trunk, located at the level of the second and third cervical vertebrae. The superior inlet of the sion is made in the anterior aspect of the trachea to provide an airway passage to relieve dyspnea. One of the motions possible at the temporomandibular joint, involving the temporal bone and the articular disc (a sliding motion). Division of the autonomic nervous system originating in the thoracic and first few lumbar spinal cord segments. A cartilaginous bony joint between two scroll-like bones on the lateral nasal wall jutting into the nasal fossa. Fluid produced within the synovial sheath to bathe the muscle tendon joint and bursa, thus reducing friction. A bony joint surrounded by synovial large, mushroom-shaped papillae anterior to the sulcus terminalis on the tongue. Equal to anterior but usually reserved for tendon or joint, producing synovial fluid to bathe the tendon and joint, thus reducing friction. Gray matter of the spinal cord, contain- system of the body is considered separately. Motor axons exiting the ventral root of the skull, containing the temporalis muscle and its fascia, vessels, and nerves. A fold of mucous membrane on the lateral wall of the larynx, responsible for the formation of sound. Myelinated fibers (preganglionic) connecting spinal nerves with a sympathetic ganglion. The arch formed by the temporal process of the zygoma and the zygomatic process of the temporal bone. See also Plexus anesthesia; Trunk anesthesia improper administration of, 352 for maxillary molar, 203 of teeth, 313t Angular artery, 148, 339, 340 Angular vein, 339, 350 Ankyloglossia, 39, 60 Anosmia, 282, 293t Ansa cervicalis, 122, 123 Ansa subclavia, 135, 136 Antagonists, 14 Anvil, 175, 176t Aorta, 19, 148 Aponeurosis, 13 Appendicular skeleton, 15 Appositional growth, 18 Aqueous humor, 167 Arachnoid, 26 granulations, 263, 264, 272, 273 mater, 275 in meninges, 264 Arbor vitae of cerebellum, 267 Arch of aorta, 148 Archicerebellum, 269 Arterial anastomoses, 274 Arterial occlusion, 274 Arterial rupture, 274 Arterioles, 20 Arthrodial (gliding) movement, 213 Articular disk, 16, 210­211 Aryepiglottic fold, 252 Aryepiglotticus muscle, 259 Arytenoid cartilage, 257­258 Arytenoid muscle, 259 Aspiration, 311, 314 Atlas, modification of, 66, 81 Atrioventricular valve, 19 Attachment, types of, 13 Auditory tube, ostium of, 251 Auricular artery deep, 342 origin of, 341 posterior, 130, 148, 185 Auricular branch, 301, 307, 341 Auricular nerve great, 108, 109 posterior, 301 Auricular veins, posterior, 107, 351 Auricularis anterior, 140t­141t posterior, 140t­141t superior, 140t­141t Auriculotemporal nerve, 182, 288 branches of anterior, 298 articular, 298 external acoustic, 298 parotid gland, 298 characteristics of, 291t origin of, 298 Autonomic nervous system components of, 7 divisions of, 26 schematic representation of, 28 Axial skeleton, 15 Axis, modification of, 66, 81 Axon, 23 Axon hillock, 23 378 Index 379 B Back, muscles of, 112t­113t Balance, nerves for, 281t, 303 Bar of Passavant, 49, 253 Basal ganglia, 265 Basilar artery, 268, 273, 273 Basilar plexus, 159 Basophils, 19 Bell palsy, 151, 302 Bifid nose, 223 Bifid tongue, 60 Bipennate, 13 Bleeding, in scalp, 142 Blind spot, 169 Blindness, 169, 293t Block resection, 333 Blood, in cardiovascular system, 19 Blood platelets, 19 Blood supply to dura mater, 156­157 dural, 152 ischemic, 276 to scalp, 139 to tongue, 237, 338 Blood-brain barrier, 264­265 Bone classification, 15 Bone conduction, 294t Bone development, 16 Bone formation endochondral, 7, 16, 18 intramembranous, 7, 16 Bone marrow, 14 Bony labyrinth, 177 Bony orbit, 162­163 Bony ossicles associations of, 176t location of, 161 Brachial plexus, 105, 108, 108, 122 Brain arterial supply to , 268, 273­274 cerebral hemispheres of, 265, 269 divisions of, 265 early writings on, 1 lateral view, 266 midsagittal section of, 267 nerves in, 275 in nervous system, 23, 26 primordia of, 263 protection of, 265 venous drainage of, 276 Brainstem age of, 269 diencephalon in, 269­270 mesencephalon in, 270­271 metencephalon in, 271 myelencephalon in, 272 ventral view of, 270 Branchia, 52 Brevis spinae muscle, 112t­113t Buccal artery, 345 Buccal gingiva, 323 Buccal lymph nodes, 328 Buccal nerve, 288 block, 313t, 323 function of, 297 long, 323 needle placement in, 324 origin of, 297 Buccal soft tissue, 325 Buccinator, 297, 346 action of, 141t location and origin of, 140t Buccopharyngeal fascia, 253, 358 Buccopharyngeal membrane, 53 Bursae, 9, 13 C Calvaria, 74 Cancellous bone, 18 Cancer, tongue, 235 Canine, 41 Canine eminence, 33 Capillary bed, 20, 21 Cardiac branch inferior, 306 superior, 306, 307 Cardiac muscle, location of, 11 Cardiovascular system components of, 7 function of, 19 organs of, 19 systemic capillary schematic in, 20 Caroticotympanic branch, 347 Carotid artery anatomy of, 184­185 branches of, 337 cavernous portion of, 347 cerebral portion of, 347 cervical portion of, 347 common, 128, 148, 335, 336 distribution of, 22 external, 128, 148, 336, 336 internal, 128, 148, 156, 268, 273, 336 ascent of, 345 portions of, 347 petrous portion of, 347 Carotid body, 335 as chemoreceptor, 21 nerve to , 304, 307 Carotid plexus, 174 Carotid sheath, 109, 114, 359 Carotid sinus, 335 blood pressure changes in, 20 nerve, 304, 305 Carotid sinus syndrome, 128, 335 Carotid triangle, 118 Cartilage, 19 Cartilaginous joints, 16, 17 Cataract, 170, 283 Cauda equina, 275, 277 Cavernous branch, 347 Cavernous sinus, 156, 158 Cell body, 22 Cell column, intermediolateral, 264, 277 Cells muscle, 12 organization of, 8 signaling, 52­53 specialization of, 8 target, 52­53 Cementoblasts, 47 Central nervous system composition of, 26 coverings of, 26 vulnerability of, 264 Cerebellar artery anteroinferior, 273 inferior, 268 posteroinferior, 273 superior, 268, 273, 274 Cerebellar cortex, 269 Cerebellar falx, 273 Cerebellar peduncle inferior, 272 middle, 271 superior, 271 Cerebellar tentorium, 273 Cerebellar vein inferior, 276 superior, 276 Cerebellum, 266, 268 arbor vitae of, 267 composition of, 269 Cerebral aqueduct, 267, 269, 273 Cerebral arterial circle, 274, 274 Cerebral artery anterior, 268, 273, 274 middle, 274 posterior, 268, 273, 274 Cerebral falx, 273 Cerebral hemispheres, 265, 269 Cerebral peduncle, 270, 271 Cerebral veins great, 273, 276 superior, 273 Cerebrospinal fluid circulation of, 263 development of, 272 in ventricles, 272­273 Cerebrospinal rhinorrhea, 226 Cerumen, 303 Cervical artery deep, 126 transverse, 108, 349 Cervical cysts, 59 Cervical fascia, 110, 356 deep, 357­359 spaces of, 360 superficial, 356­357 380 Index Cervical ganglion, 135­136 Cervical lymph nodes, 330t­331t anterior, 328 block resection of, 333 deep, 329 inferior deep, 329 superficial, 329 superior deep, 329 transverse, 329 Cervical nerve, transverse, 109 Cervical plexus, 108, 122, 123 branches of, 122t Cervical sympathetic trunk, 105, 135­136 Cervical triangles, boundaries of, 118t Cervical vein, transverse, 108 Cervical vertebrae, 81­82, 102­103 Cervicofacial nerve, 302 Cheek muscles of, 145 skin of, 289t Chin, skin of, 291t Chondroblasts, 16, 18 Chorda tympani, 288, 291t anatomy of, 301 origin of, 300 Choroid plexus, 265, 272 Choroidal artery, anterior, 274 Ciliary artery, 348 Ciliary body, 167 Ciliary ganglion, 173, 286 Ciliary glands, 165 Ciliary muscle, 170, 172t Ciliary nerves long, 173, 286, 292 short, 173, 286 Circle of Willis, 274, 274 Circulatory system composition of, 19 extracellular fluid in, 328 lymph in, 327 Circumvallate papilla, 37 Cisterna cerebellomedullaris, 272 Cisterna interpeduncularis, 272 Cisterna magna, 272 Cisterna superior, 272 Cisterns, 272 Clavicle, fractured, 126 Cleft lip, 50, 64 clinical considerations with, 65 incidence of, 33 Cleft palate, 50, 64 clinical considerations with, 65 incidence of, 40 Cochlea, 301 anatomy of, 177 spiral ganglion of, 303 Cochlear nerve, 178 Col, 34 Collateral ganglia, 27 Colliculus brachium of, 270­271 facial, 271 inferior, 267, 270 superior, 270 Commissural lip pit, 32 Commissure, anterior, 267, 269, 270 Communicating artery anterior, 268, 274 posterior, 268, 273, 274 Compact bone, 18 Condyles, 15 Cones, 169 Congenital atresia of nose, 223 Conjunctivitis, 165 Conus medullaris, 276 Copula, 59 Cornea damage to , 166 reflex of, 293t Corneal blink, 302 Corniculate cartilage, 258 Cornu, 256 Coronary sinus, 19 Corpora quadrigemina, 270 Corpus callosum, 267, 269, 270 Corrugator action of, 141t anatomy of, 144 location and origin of, 140t Costocervical trunk, 125­126, 336 branches of, 350 origins of, 349 Cranial base fractures, 153 Cranial nerves. See specific gland Glands of Blandin-Nuhn, 37 Glands of von Ebner, 37 Glandular arteries, 340 Glandular branches, 337 Glaucoma, 169 Globe, anatomy of, 166 Glossoepiglottic folds, 252 Glossopharyngeal nerve, 304 assessment technique for, 294t branches of, 305 dysfunction of, 294t function of, 281t Index 383 external, 275 innermost, 275 thoracic, 275 Interdental papilla, 34 Interneuron, 277 Interspinales muscle, 112t­113t Interstitial growth, 18 Intertransversarii anterior muscle, 112t­113t Intertransversarii posterior muscle, 112t­113t Interventricular foramen, 267, 269, 273 Intramembranous bone formation, 7, 16 Invertebral foramina, 264 Investing fascia, 109, 357­358 Iris, 167 Isthmus of fauces, 346 J Jaw clenching of, 293t depressor of, 188 elevators of, 188 opening, 213 Joints. See also Temporomandibular joint formation of, 15 types of, 16, 17 Jugular arch, 107, 111 Jugular notch, 106 Jugular trunk, 329 Jugular vein, 107­108 anterior, 108 external, 107, 108, 352 internal, 131, 354 superior bulb of, 157 vein, 131 as venous manometer, 353 Jugulodigastric lymph node, 242, 327, 331t, 332 Jugulo-omohyoid lymph nodes, 329, 331t K Keratohyalin, 9 Kiesselbach area, 221, 346 Kinesthetic sense, nerves for, 280t Knee joint, 17 L Labial artery inferior, 148, 339, 340 superior, 148, 339, 340 Labial branch, 345 Labial frenula, 34 Labial tubercle, 32 Labial vein inferior, 339 superior, 339 Labiomental groove, 32 Labyrinth, 177 Labyrinthine artery, 273 Lacerations, facial, 151, 361 Lacrimal apparatus, anatomy of, 165 Lacrimal artery, 347 Lacrimal gland, 165, 289t Lacrimal nerve, 173, 286 anatomy of, 288 characteristics of, 289t terminals of, 286 Lacrimal sac, 165 Lacteals, 21 Lacunae, 16 Lacunae lateralis, 264 Lamina terminalis, 267 Langer lines, 107 Laryngeal aperture, 256 Laryngeal artery, superior, 336 Laryngeal cartilages, 256­258 Laryngeal nerve, 134 external, 134, 306 inferior, 308 internal, 134, 306 recurrent, 306, 308 superior, 307 Laryngeal pharynx, 252 Laryngeal prominence, 106 Larynx, 106 cavity of, 256 composition of, 255­256 function of, 255 lesion on, 308 ligaments of, 258 lymph nodes of, 260 membranes of, 258 motor innervation to , 260­261 muscles of arytenoid, 259 cricothyroid, 258 intrinsic, 259 lateral cricoarytenoid, 258 posterior cricoarytenoid, 258 thyroarytenoid, 259 vocalis, 259 musculature of, 255 nerves of, 260, 261 posterior view of, 250, 257 sensory innervation of, 260­261 vascular supply to , 260 vessels of, 260 Latin, 1 Lens, 169 Leukocytes, 19 Levator anguli oris action of, 141t location and origin of, 140t Levator labii superioris action of, 141t location and origin of, 140t Levator labii superioris alaque nasi action of, 141t location and origin of, 140t Levator palpebrae superioris, 170, 172t Levator scapulae, 108, 120 Levator veli palatini, 246­247, 247t Ligamentum nuchae, 109 Lingual artery, 130, 336 deep, 339 dorsal, 338 origin of, 338 in submandibular triangle, 241 Lingual branch, 305 Lingual cancer, 235 Lingual gingiva, 297, 326 Lingual lymph nodes, 328 Lingual nerve block, 322 characteristics of, 291t descent of, 297 function of, 297 terminals of, 288 Lingula, 269 Lip anatomy of, 32 cleft, 50, 64 clinical considerations with, 65 incidence of, 33 defects in, 33 depressors of, 144 elevators of, 144­145 innervation of, 291t Longissimus cervicis muscle, 112t­113t Loose areolar tissue, 9 Lumbar cistern, 275, 276­277 Lumbar spinal nerve, first, 275 Lymph contents of, 327 filtration of, 328 Lymph nodes, 21. See also specific muscle attachment of, 13 cells of, 11 contraction of, 7 fiber, 11 form of, 13 types of, 11­12 Muscle fascicle, 12 Muscular branch, 341, 348 Muscular process, 258 Muscular triangle, 118 Musculophrenic artery, 349 Musculus uvulae, 247t, 248 Myelencephalon composition of, 272 disease of, 272 Myelin sheath, 23 Mylohyoid artery, 342 Mylohyoid muscle, 232 Mylohyoid nerve, 288 characteristics of, 292t descent of, 297­298 Myofibrils, 11 Myopia, 168, 283 N Nails, composition of, 11 Nasal artery dorsal, 347 lateral, 148, 339, 340 Nasal branches, 173, 345, 347 characteristics of, 290t external, 292 internal, 292 posterior lateral, 345 posterior superior, 287, 295 posteroinferior, 295 Index 385 Nasal cavity anatomy of, 68­69 floor of, 223 lateral wall of, 221­223 lymph of, 332 medial wall of, 221 roof of, 223 Nasal concha, 222 Nasal pharynx, 249, 251 Nasal pit, 61 Nasal placodes, 61 Nasal septum arterial and nerve supply of, 223 deviated, 222 Nasal skeleton, 220, 220­221 Nasal vein, lateral, 339 Nasalis action of, 141t location and origin of, 140t Nasociliary nerve, 173, 286 anatomy of, 292 characteristics of, 289t Nasolabial groove, 32 Nasolacrimal duct, 165 Nasolacrimal sulcus, 164t Nasopalatine artery, 345 Nasopalatine branches, 287, 290t Nasopalatine nerve, 295 anesthesia with, 313t block, 318, 321 needle placement in, 321 Nausea, 294t Neck anatomy of, 51, 106 arteries of, 148, 336 cross section of, 110 deep prevertebral muscles of, 134t­135t development of abnormal, 53 cells in, 52­53 genetic aspects of, 52 language for, 51­52 fascia of deep, 109 investing, 109, 111 prevertebral, 111 superficial, 107 lymph drainage in, 332 lymph nodes of, 328­329, 330t­331t muscles of, 112t, 140t nerve supply to , 134 posterior aspects of, 114 root of, 124 sensory innervation of, 108­109 suboccipital region of, 115, 115t superficial structures of, 107 triangles of, 114, 117 anterior, 126 arteries of, 124­126 carotid, 118 cervical, 118t muscles of, 120­121, 120t­121t muscular, 118 nerves of, 122­124 occipital, 117 posterior, 118­119, 119 subclavian, 117 submandibular, 118 submental, 118 suboccipital, 116 veins of, 126 venous vessels of, 353 vascular supply to , 334­355 veins of, 350, 352, 354 venous drainage of, 107­108 visceral compartment of, 360 Neo-cerebellum, 269 Nerve. See specific nerve Nerve blocks, 312, 313t Nerve control, 14 Nerve deafness, 177, 303 Nerve rootlets, posterior, 275 Nervous system functional components of, 24­25 morphology of, 22 structure of, 22­24 Nervus intermedius, 266, 299, 301 Neurilemma sheath, 24 Neuroanatomy, 4 Neurocirculatory compression, 135 Neurons composition of, 22­23 motor, 24 Neurovascular bundles, 14 Neutrophils, 19 Nissl bodies, 22 Nodes of Ranvier, 24 Nodose, 134 Nodose ganglion, 307 Noradrenaline, 27 Nose blocked passages of, 223 development of, 61­62, 62 external, 220 internal, 221 morphology of, 220 muscles of, 140t, 143­144 skeleton of, 220, 220­221 Nosebleed, 221 Notches, 15 Nuclei, 22 Nucleus ambiguus, 281t Nucleus cuneatus, 272 Nucleus gracilis, 272 O Obex, 272 Oblique line, 256 Oblique muscle inferior, 170 superior, 170 Obliquus capitis posterior muscle, 112t­113t Obliquus capitis superior muscle, 112t­113t Occipital artery, 108, 130, 148, 185, 336 branches of, 341 origin of, 340 Occipital branch, 301, 341 Occipital lobe, 266, 269 Occipital lymph nodes, 328, 330t Occipital nerve, lesser, 109 Occipital sinus, 157 Occipital triangle, 119 Occipital vein, 351 Occipitalis, 139 action of, 141t location and origin of, 140t Occipitofrontalis muscle, 138 Ocular movement, nerves for, 280t Oculomotor nerve, 156, 160, 173, 285 assessment technique for, 293t dysfunction of, 293t function of, 280t injury to , 284 modality of, 282 number of, 279 Odontogenesis, 41 apposition in, 46 bell stage of, 43 bud stage of, 43 cap stage of, 43 cell rests of Malassez in, 47 cementoblasts in, 47 permanent molar origin in, 46 root formation in, 47 Odor, distinction among, 293t Olfactory bulb, 268, 269, 281, 282 Olfactory epithelial cells, 280t Olfactory nerve, 282 assessment technique for, 293t dysfunction of, 293t function of, 280t modality of, 281 number of, 279 Olfactory tract, 160, 268, 269, 281, 282 Olive, 272 Omoclavicular lymph nodes, 327 Omohyoid muscle, 120, 127t inferior belly of, 108 Operculum frontal, 265 parietal, 265 Ophthalmic artery, 174 branches of, 347­348 origin of, 347 386 Index Ophthalmic nerve assessment technique for, 293t characteristics of, 289t dysfunction of, 293t frontal branch of, 288 lacrimal branch of, 288 modality of, 286 nasociliary, 292 Ophthalmic vein inferior, 352 superior, 352 Ophthalmoscope, 293t Optic chiasma, 1, 267, 268, 270, 281, 283 Optic foramen, 164t Optic nerves, 160, 173 assessment technique for, 293t discovery of, 1 dysfunction of, 293t fiber crossing in, 283 function of, 280t modality of, 281 number of, 279 role of, 1 Optic tract, 270, 283 Ora serrata, 168 Oral cavity anatomy of, 32 proper, 34­35 Oral pharynx, 251­252 Orb anatomy of, 165­169 muscles of, 162 Orbicularis oculi, 163 action of, 141t anatomy of, 144 location and origin of, 140t Orbicularis oris anatomy of, 144 location and origin of, 140t Orbit anterior anatomy of, 163­165 bones of, 163t­164t bony, 162­163 composition of, 68 contents of, 162 muscles of, 144 nerves of, 173­174 scans of, 101 structures in, 168 vascular supply to , 174 Orbital branch, 295, 345 Orbital nerve, characteristics of, 289t Organ, 8 Organ system, 8 Oropharyngeal isthmus, 32, 35 anterior pillar of, 244 medial view of, 251 posterior pillar of, 245 Oropharynx clinical considerations of, 49 medial view of, 246 Ossification center, primary, 18 Osteoblasts, 16, 18 Osteoclasts, 18 Osteocytes, 16 Osteoid, 16 Otic ganglion, 291t, 304 Otitis media, 174, 303 Otosclerosis, 174, 303 P Pain, shoulder, 116 Palate, 243 anatomy of, 38, 40 arteries of, 346 cleft, 40, 50, 64 clinical considerations with, 65 incidence of, 40 development of, 62, 62­63 elevation of, 294t hard composition of, 244 glands of, 346 osseous protrusions on, 245 inferior view of, 93 medial view of, 251 nerves of, 346 posterior view of, 250 sensory nerve supply to , 248 soft composition of, 244­245 dentures with, 246 muscles of, 245­248, 247t, 346 structures of, 245 vascular supply to , 248 Palatine aponeurosis, 346 Palatine artery, 248 ascending, 130, 339­340 branches of, 338 greater, 345, 346 lesser, 345 Palatine foramen greater, 346 lesser, 346 Palatine glands, 40, 346 Palatine nerve anesthesia with, 313t block, 318, 320 characteristics of, 290t greater, 287, 295, 346 lesser, 287, 295 needle placement in, 320 Palatine tonsil, 248­249, 346 Palatine torus, 40 Palatine velum, 38 Palatoglossal arch, 34, 244, 346 Palatoglossus, 247t, 248 Palatopharyngeal arch, 245, 346 Palatopharyngeal sphincter, 253 Palatopharyngeus muscle, 245, 247t, 248 Paleocerebellum, 269 Palpebral arteries, 347 Palpebral branch characteristics of, 290t, 345 lateral, 347 Palsy, 284 Panniculus adiposus, 9 Papilla circumvallate, 37 filiform, 37 foliate, 37 fungiform, 37 interdental, 34 parotid, 33 retrocuspid, 39 retromolar, 34 Paralysis of mastication muscle, 298 of trapezius muscle, 116 Paranasal sinuses ethmoidal, 225­226 frontal, 224­225 function of, 216, 224 inflammation of, 227 maxillary, 224 medial view of, 225 molars and, 225 nerve supply to , 226, 227t, 228 openings of, 224t sphenoidal, 226 vascular supply to , 226, 227t Parasympathetic nervous system components of, 8 function of, 26­27 schematic representation of, 29 Parathyroid anatomy of, 133 removal of, 132 Parietal branch, 341 Parietal lobe, 265, 266 Parietal pleura, 275 Parotid bed arteries of, 342 facial nerve in, 185­186 lymph nodes in, 184 structures of, 181, 183 arteries of, 187 ligaments of, 187 muscles in, 186 nerves of, 187 superficial anatomy of, 180­181 Parotid duct, 179 calculus accumulation in, 182 sialography of, 182 Parotid fascia, 111, 358 Index 387 Parotid gland branches to , 298 descriptions of, 179 encapsulation of, 181 facial nerve and, 180 infections of, 183 relationships of, 182­183 secretomotor innervation to , 179­180, 184 vascular supply to , 183­184 Parotid lymph nodes, superficial, 328, 330t Parotid papilla, 33 Parotid plexus, 186, 302 Parotideomasseteric fascia, 191 Passavant bar, 49, 253 Patterning, 52 Pectoralis major, 108 Pedicle, 275 Pennate, 13 Pericranium, 138 Perimysium, 11 Periosteal bud, 18 Periosteum, 18 Peripharyngeal spaces, 363­364 Peripheral nervous system, 25 Petrosal nerve deep, 287 greater, 287 fibers of, 300 origin of, 299 lesser, 304 Petrosal sinus, 159 Petrosquamous sinus, 157 Pharyngeal arch derivatives of, 55t, 58 development of, 53 formation of, 53 Pharyngeal artery, 130, 185, 248, 337 Pharyngeal branch, 287, 295, 305, 306, 345 characteristics of, 290t number of, 337 role of, 308 Pharyngeal constrictor, 346 inferior, 247t, 253 middle, 247t, 253 superior, 247t, 253 Pharyngeal grooves anatomy of, 58 development of, 55 Pharyngeal isthmus, 251 Pharyngeal plexus, 243, 306 anatomy of, 305 components of, 244 nerve contributions to , 304 Pharyngeal pouches defects of, 59 derivatives of, 58­59, 61t development of, 55 Pharyngeal raphe, 253 Pharyngeal recess, 251 Pharyngeal space, lateral, 364 Pharyngeal tonsil, 251­252 Pharyngeal wall, layers of, 252­253 Pharyngobasilar fascia, 252­253 Pharynx, 243 anatomy of, 47 derivatives of, 61t floor of, 59­61 foreign material in, 252 junctions of, 249 laryngeal, 252 lesion on, 308 muscles of, 48, 250, 253­254 nasal, 249, 251 oral, 251­252 posterior view of, 250 regions of, 49 sensory nerve supply of, 254 vascular supply of, 254 Philtrum, 32 Phrenic nerve, 108 accessory, 124 distribution of, 124 as motor nerve, 105 Pia mater, 26, 264 Pillar of the fauces, 34 Pineal body, 267, 269 Piniform recess, 252 Pits, 15 Pituitary gland, 53, 156 Plane comparative, 5 coronal, 5 frontal, 5 horizontal, 3, 5 median, 3 midsagittal, 3, 5 of reference, 5 sagittal, 5 transverse, 3, 5 Plasma, 19 Platysma muscle, 107 action of, 141t location of, 140t origin of, 105 Plexus anesthesia, 311­312 mandibular, 316 maxillary, 312, 314 Plica fimbriata, 38 Pons, 267, 268, 271 Pontine arteries, 268, 274 Postauricular lymph nodes, 328 Postganglionic fibers, 297 Preauricular lymph nodes, 328, 330t Preauricular pits, 57 Preganglionic fibers, 297 Preoccipital notch, 265, 266 Presbyopia, 283 Pretracheal fascia, 114, 358 Pretracheal space, 360 Prevertebral fascia, 109, 111, 358­359 Prevertebral layer, 108 Prime movers, 13 Procerus action of, 141t location and origin of, 140t Psoas major, 275 Pterygoid artery, 345 Pterygoid canal, 287 artery of, 345, 347 nerve of, 299 Pterygoid fascia, 191 Pterygoid ligament, 192 Pterygoid muscle lateral, 196, 199 medial, 195 nerve to , 288 Pterygoid nerve anatomy of, 297 lateral, 292t, 297 medial, 292t, 296 Pterygoid plexus, 193, 202, 351 Pterygoid venous plexus, 189 Pterygomandibular raphe, 35, 346 Pterygopalatine ganglion, 217, 287 associated nerves, 219 function of, 220 Pterygopalatine nerve anatomy of, 295 characteristics of, 289t infraorbital branch of, 296 nasal branches of, 295 orbital branch of, 295 pharyngeal branch of, 295 Ptosis, 293t Pulmonary arteries, 19 Pulmonary circuit, 19 Pulmonary veins, 19 Pulp, lymph drainage in, 332 Pulse rates, 340 Pulvinar, 270 Puncta, 165 Pupil, 167 contraction of, 280t dilation of, 293t reflex of, 284, 293t Pupil ptosis, 284 Pupillae muscle, 170 Putamen, 270 Pyramid, 270, 272 Pyramidal decussations, 270, 272 Pythagoras, 1 388 Q Index Quadrangular membrane, 258 R Radiography, head, 96­100 Rami anterior, 275 communicantes, 275 gray, 27, 276 white, 27, 276 dorsal, 105 posterior, 275 ventral, 105 Rapid eye movement, uncontrolled, 294t Rathke pouch, 53 Recti muscles, 170, 172t Rectus capitis posterior major muscle, 112t­113t Rectus capitis posterior minor muscle, 112t­113t Recurrent meningeal nerve, characteristics of, 291t Reflex arc, 26 Refractive media, 169 Regional anatomy, 4 Regional method, 2 Retina artery of blockage of, 348 passage of, 347 detached, 169, 283 ganglion of, 280t Retinoic acid, 63 Retraction, 13 Retrocuspid papilla, 39 Retromandibular veins, 107, 351 Retromolar papilla, 34 Retropharyngeal lymph nodes, 328, 331t Retropharyngeal space, 360, 364 Rhomboid glossitis, 39 Rima glottidis, 256, 260 Rima of the mouth, 32 Risorius action of, 141t anatomy of, 144 location and origin of, 140t Rods, 169 Rotation, 13 Rotatores longus muscle, 112t­113t S Sacral foramina, 275 Sacral hiatus, 275 Sagittal sinus inferior, 273 superior, 157, 273 Saliva flow, 294t Salivary glands innervation of, 239 locations of, 237 major, 229 sublingual, 238 submandibular, 237­238 Salivatory ganglia inferior, 284t superior, 284t Salivatory nucleus, 280t Salpingopharyngeus, 247t, 254 Scalenes, 121 anterior, 108 middle, 108 Scalp bleeding in, 142 blood supply to , 139 composition of, 137­138 danger zone of, 142 lymph drainage in, 331 muscles of, 140t­141t nerve supply of, 141t vascular supply of, 139­140 Scapular artery, dorsal, 350 Scapular nerve, 108 Sclera, 166 Sebaceous glands, 11 Sebum, function of, 11 Secretomotor function, nerves for, 280t Sella turcica, 75, 156 Sellar diaphragm, 273 Semicircular canal, 177 Semilunar ganglion, 286 Semilunar hiatus, 223 Semispinalis capitis muscle, 108, 112t­113t Semispinalis cervicis muscle, 112t­113t Sensation, nerves for, 280t Septal branches, 287, 345 Septum, dorsal median, 277 Septum pellucidum, 267, 269, 273 Sesamoid bones, 15 Shoulder pain, 116 Sialography parotid duct, 182 process of, 238 Sigmoid sinus, 157 Sinusitis, 227 Skeletal muscle, abundance of, 12 Skeleton appendicular, 15 axial, 15 composition of, 8, 14­15 Skin of cheek, 289t of chin, 291t color of, 9 furrows in, 9 glands of, 11 structure of, 9, 10 of temporal region, 289t thickness of, 8 Skull base of, 91­92, 92­93 bones of, 67, 67t calvaria in, 74 composition of, 67 facial bones in, 69 foramine of, 76t­78t fossae of, 70 internal base of, 74­75, 94 median section of, 85­87 nasal cavity in, 68­69 orbit in, 68 views of anterior, 67, 84 frontal, 82­83 inferior, 72­74 lateral, 69, 88­89 lateroinferior, 90­91 posterior, 71­72 superior, 72 zygomatic arch in, 71 Skullcap. See Calvaria Smell, nerves for, 280t Smile, 294t Smooth muscle, location of, 12 Somatic afferent fibers, 277 Somatic efferent fibers, 277 Somatic reflex, visceral reflex vs. See also Parotid duct Sternocleidomastoid artery, 336, 340 Sternocleidomastoid muscle, 106, 108, 114, 115, 309 Sternohyoid muscle, 127t Sternothyroid muscle, 127t Stirrup, 175, 176t Stomatognathic system, 51 Stomodeum, 53 Strabismus, lateral, 293t Straight sinus, 157, 273 Stratum basale, 9 Stratum corneum, 9 Stratum germinativum, 9 Stria medullaris, 269 Striated muscle, 11 Stroke, 275, 294t Styloglossus muscle, 186, 235, 310 Stylohyoid ligament, 187 Stylohyoid muscle, 186, 231­232, 302 Styloid process, 176 Stylomandibular ligament, 111, 358 Stylomastoid artery, 341 Stylomastoid foramen, 300 Stylopharyngeus muscle, 187, 247t, 253­254, 304, 305 Subarachnoid space, 264 Subclavian artery, 124, 336 branches of, 348 clinical considerations with, 125 first part of, 349 origin of, 348­349 origins of, 105 second part of, 349­350 third part of, 350 Subclavian vein, 107, 126, 354 Subclavius muscle, 126 Subcortical nuclei, 265 Subcutaneous connective tissue, composition of, 9 Subdural space, 264 Sublingual artery, 241, 338 Sublingual caruncula, 238 Sublingual duct, 238 Sublingual glands, 233 Sublingual space, 363 Sublingual sulcus, 34 Submandibular duct, 238 Submandibular ganglion, 288, 301 Submandibular lymph nodes, 329, 330t Submandibular region, 229 boundaries of, 230 contents of, 230 glands of, 233 muscles of digastric, 230­231 geniohyoid, 232 mylohyoid, 232 stylohyoid, 231­232 vascular supply, 241­242 Submandibular space, 363 Submandibular triangle, 118 Submental artery, 130, 340 Submental lymph nodes, 328, 330t Submental triangle, 118 Subthalamus, 270 Subtrapezial plexus, branch to , 309 Sulci, 265 Sulcus anterior lateral, 272 central, 265, 266 hypothalamic, 267 lateral, 265 olfactory, 269 parieto-occipital, 265, 266, 267 postcentral, 265, 266 precentral, 265, 266 Supraclavicular nerves, 108, 109 Suprahyoid artery, 338 Suprahyoid muscles, group functions of, 229, 233 Suprahyoid region, 229, 232 Supraorbital artery, 339, 347 Supraorbital foramen, 164t Supraorbital nerve, 173, 286, 289t Suprarenal medulla, 30 Suprascapular artery, 349 Suprascapular vein, 108 Suprasternal space, 111, 358 Supratrochlear artery, 339, 347 Supratrochlear nerve, 173, 286, 289t Sutures, 16, 17 Swallowing nerves for, 281t stages of, 262 testing of, 294t Sweat glands, 11 Sympathetic chain ganglia, 27, 276 Sympathetic nerves, 174 Sympathetic nervous system components of, 8 function of, 26 schematic representation of, 28 Sympathetic trunk, 275 Symphyses, 16 Synapse, 25 Synchondroses, 16 Syndesmoses, 16, 17 Synergists, 13 Synovial fluid, 13 Synovial joints, 16, 17 Synovial sheath, 13 Syringe, 311 Systemic anatomy, 4 Systemic circuit, 19 T Tarsal glands, 165 Taste nerves for, 280t­281t test of, 293t­294t Tear from ammonia, 293t gland, 165 Tectum, 270 Teeth anesthesia of, 313t arrangement of, 41 deciduous, 41, 44 development of, 46 lymph in, 332 mandibular, 318 maxillary, 203, 317 permanent, 41, 45 Tegmentum, 271 Temporal arteries deep, 345 maxillary, 131 middle, 341 superficial, 131, 148, 148­149, 185, 336, 339, 341 Temporal bone anatomy of, 210 articular eminence of, 209 Temporal fascia, 191 Temporal lobe, 266, 269 Temporal nerve deep, 288, 292t, 297 superficial, 298 Temporal region, skin of, 289t Temporal vein, superficial, 150, 339, 350­351 Temporalis muscle, 192t­193t, 193, 195 Temporofacial nerve, 302 Temporomandibular disorder, 199, 208, 214 Temporomandibular joint, 18, 208 anatomy of, 209, 209­210 articular disc, 210­211 ligament, 211­212 mandible, 209­210 temporal bone, 210 arthritis, 214 articular coverings of, 208 dislocation of, 214 innervation of, 211 movement of, 213 390 Index muscles acting on, 215t vascularization of, 211 Temporoparietalis, 139 action of, 141t location and origin of, 140t Tendon, attachment with, 13 Tensor tympani, 175, 296 Tensor veli palatini, 247, 247t, 296 Tentorium cerebelli, 154 Terminal filum, 275 Terminal ganglia, 27 Terminale, 276 Thalamus, 269 Thoracic artery, 125, 336, 349 Thoracic duct, 21, 126 Thoracic nerve long, 108 in spinal cord, 275 Thoracolumbar outflow, 26 Thyroarytenoid muscle, 259 Thyrocervical trunk, 125, 336, 349 Thyroglossal duct, 132 Thyrohyoid membrane, 258 Thyrohyoid muscle, 127t Thyroid artery inferior, 133, 336, 337, 349 superior, 129­130, 133, 336, 336 Thyroid cartilage, 128t, 256 Thyroid, defects of, 59 Thyroid gland anatomy of, 131­133 involvements in, 132 lobes of, 132 lymph in, 332 Thyroid notch, 106, 256 Thyroidea ima artery, 133 Thyroideae, 132 Thyroidectomy, 132 Tic douloureux, 298 Tissue, cell classification of, 8 Tongue abnormalities of, 39 anatomy of, 36­38 blood supply of, 237, 338 cancer of, 235 defects of, 60 dorsum of, 36 formation of, 59­61 lymph drainage in, 332­333 lymph nodes from, 242 movement of, 281t muscles of, 229, 231t, 234 branches to , 310 genioglossus, 233, 235 group actions of, 235­236 hyoglossus, 235 innervation of, 235 styloglossus, 235 vascularization of, 235 nerves to , 288 principle node of, 242 protrusion and retraction of, 294t surface of, 236 touch reception on, 294t Tonsillar artery, 130, 340 Tonsillar branch, 304, 305 Tonsillar circle, 249 Tonsils, 243.

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