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By: Paul J. Gertler PhD

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Q: What ancillary maneuver increases the sensitivity of cholescintigraphy for detection of biliary atresia A: this is a recurrent biliary impotence stress discount malegra dxt 130 mg without prescription, coliclike pain in patients who have had a cholecystectomy erectile dysfunction pump implant purchase malegra dxt 130 mg without a prescription. Causes include a retained or recurrent stone, inflammatory stricture, sphincter of Oddi dysfunction, or cystic duct remnant. Q: the diagnosis of common duct obstruction is often made by sonographic detection of a dilated common duct. A: Cholescintigraphy would be helpful in early acute obstruction before the duct has had time to dilate (24-72 hours) and in patients with previous obstruction who have baseline dilated ducts. A: Prompt hepatic uptake but a persistent hepatogram without clearance into biliary ducts, caused by high backpressure are seen on cholescintigraphy. A: Retention of activity in the biliary ducts, delayed biliary-to-bowel clearance, and poor ductal clearance on delayed imaging or after sincalide are seen. A Pearl: Sphincter of Oddi dysfunction is a partial biliary obstruction at the level of the sphincter without stone or stricture. A Pearl: Delayed biliary-to-bowel transit is an insensitive and nonspecific finding for common duct obstruction. Delayed biliary-to-bowel transit is seen in only 50% of patients with partial biliary obstruction. On the other hand, delayed biliary-to-bowel transit may be seen in up to 20% of healthy patients. The sensitivity is lower, particularly for small hemangiomas, those adjacent to major vessels, and those that are deep to the surface of the liver. Immediate images show a cold defect, whereas delayed images acquired 1 to 2 hours after 432 NuclearMedicine:TheRequisites tracer administration show increased uptake within the lesion compared with that in the normal liver, often equal to uptake in the spleen and heart. Therefore the dose of diuretic must be increased in renal insufficiency, but the exact dose required is only an educated estimate. Q: What is the most sensitive technique for diagnosing scarring secondary to reflux Q: How can radionuclide imaging differentiate upper from lower urinary tract infection and why is this differentiation important Upper tract infection has prognostic implications because it may lead to subsequent renal scarring, hypertension, and renal failure. A: the radionuclide test is more sensitive for detection of reflux than contrast-enhanced voiding cystourethrography and results in much less radiation exposure, by a factor of 50- to 200-fold. The exception is in the first evaluation of a male patient, when the better resolution of the contrast study can permit the diagnosis of an anatomical abnormality such as posterior urethral valves. A: Twenty percent of renal plasma flow is cleared by glomerular filtration and 80% by tubular secretion. Q: What time interval is used to calculate differential renal function for dynamic renal scintigraphy A: Because cortical uptake of the renal radiopharmaceutical is of interest, the optimal interval is after the initial flow but before the collecting system activity appears, usually 1 to 3 minutes. With good function, activity may be seen before 3 minutes, especially in children. A: the region of interest should include the dilated collecting system and exclude the cortex. Q: Which of these factors affects the accuracy of diuresis renography: state of hydration, renal function, diuretic dose, choice of radiopharmaceutical, bladder capacity Adequate hydration is required for good urine flow and adequate response to the diuretic. Intravenous hydration and urinary catheterization are strongly suggested in patients who cannot void and in children. Renal insufficiency A Pearl: Scintigraphy allows for calculation of bladder volumes and residuals. A: After initial cellular uptake via glucose tranporters, both are phosphorylated by hexokinase. Bone scan, on the other hand, can image the whole body in a cost-effective manner.

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Clean contaminated wounds are those in which some contamination of a clean wound has occurred erectile dysfunction products cheap malegra dxt 130mg without prescription. Contaminated wounds represent wounds with a serious degree of contamination from either non-sterile bodily fluids or potentially the environment keppra impotence cheap malegra dxt 130 mg on line. Finally, dirty or infected wounds are older wounds with obvious signs of infection. A dirty/infected wound is typically converted to a clean contaminated wound via debridement and irrigation. These patients should be identified as high risk for development of infection, and hospital personnel should be aware of this. Patient comfort and emotional support can also be a large part of the nursing care of a burn patient. Prevention and prompt cleaning of soil is important and passive range of motion exercises can be beneficial in healing. In addition, any burn injury should be thought of as having caused damage to the respiratory tract, from smoke or flames, until proven otherwise. Aggressive fluid therapy can result in fluid overload and subsequent pulmonary edema. Monitoring of respiratory tract through regular respiration rate and character assessment, thoracic radiographs, pulse oximetry, and blood gas analysis may be necessary. In addition to respiratory side effects, corneal ulcers may be present in a patient presented for burns, who was exposed to smoke. A careful ocular exam should also be performed in order to diagnose potential ulceration. Abrasions, lacerations, burns, puncture wounds, and degloving injuries represent the major wound types. Abrasions are considered to be partial-thickness wounds where the epidermis has been sheared off, exposing the under layers of the dermis and subcutaneous tissue. They are often associated with minimal bleeding and develop a negligible amount of fluid accumulation. Lacerations are considered wounds with sharp edges, often in a somewhat straight line. These are considered to cause minimal tissue trauma, as their surface area is quite small. If any tissue is torn away, it is a special type of laceration called an avulsion. Lacerations may be superficial or deep, depending on how many layers of tissue or deep structures (muscles, tendons) they affect. As described above, they may be superficial, partial thickness, or full thickness. Puncture wounds are often described by a small skin opening, under which extensive tissue trauma may exist. Puncture wounds are often considered contaminated, as the foreign object (tooth, bullet, arrow, etc. Degloving injuries are characterized as extensive amounts of tissue, tendon, and muscle being torn from a limb from some traumatic event. They may also exist where the outermost layer of skin is intact but the underlying fascia, muscles, and blood supply have been compromised (Bassert and McCurnin 2002). During this phase, after initial bleeding from vascular trauma, local vasoconstriction and platelet aggregation prevent excessive hemorrhage. SpecificOrganSystemDisorders 307 vasodilation occurs, which allows clotting factors and fibrinogen to enter the wound and begin to form a clot. This process also signals neutrophils, monocytes, fibroblasts, and endothelial cells to enter into the wound. In addition to cells, inflammatory mediators such as cytokines, histamines, leukotrienes, complement, and growth factor also start to exude into the wound, beginning the local inflammatory response. As white blood cells, namely neutrophils, enter the wound, any foreign debris is removed via phagocytosis. After neutrophils, monocytes enter the wound and develop into macrophages aiding in the removal of foreign material and pathogens. The repair phase, or proliferative phase, begins several days after the injury and may last several weeks (Silverstein and Hopper 2009).

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Anemia associated with renal insufficiency is usually non-regenerative erectile dysfunction urology tests buy discount malegra dxt 130mg line, with a lack of peripheral reticulocytes and erythroid hypoplasia of the bone marrow erectile dysfunction hiv medications cheap malegra dxt 130mg with visa. The use of erythropoietin can also be beneficial because it helps to down regulate the factors activated by the hypoxia (Lucas 2009). Chronic hypoxia also contributes to the decreased efficacy of some chemotherapeutic drugs and has the potential to induce the development of acquired drug resistance. Such anemia is generally microcytic, hypochromic, and can be regenerative or non-regenerative. Immune suppression with prednisone alone or in association with another immunosuppressive drug may be necessary. In canine lymphoma, paraneoplastic syndromes can include immune-mediated hemolytic anemia or thrombocytopenia, a process secondary to protein production by malignant lymphocytes. Possible causes for thrombocytopenia are decreased platelet life span due to accelerated removal from the circulation, associated with microaggregation stimulated by the tumor. In addition, thrombocytopenia can be caused by the production of antiplatelet antibodies by the tumor, and cross reactivity between tumor antigens and platelet antigens (Lucas 2009). Eosinophilia is considered a marker for systemic or intestinal mast cell neoplasia. Etiology of leukocytosis is thought to be from cytokine production enhancing the production of granulocytes and their release from bone marrow into the peripheral blood (Lucas 2009). The most common blood chemistry abnormalities associated with a paraneoplastic response includes hypercalcemia and hypoglycemia. Patients with hypoglycemia often do not exhibit clinical signs until glucose is very low (<30 mg/dL) due to gradual decline in glucose over time. Diagnosis of hypoglycemia secondary to a neoplastic disease process typically includes abdominal ultrasound to rule out evidence of a mass. Measuring insulin levels are recommended to rule out an insulinoma, as insulinomas are often not visualized on ultrasound or radiographs. Clinical signs of hypoglycemia include weakness, disorientation, seizures, coma, and death. Surgical extirpation is the treatment of choice for tumors that produce hypoglycemia. Hypercalcemia Hypercalcemia is the most common metabolic emergency seen in veterinary patients with cancer (Matthews 2006). The most common cause of hypercalcemia in dogs is lymphoma, more specifically T cell (Ogilvie 2006). Clinical signs range in severity from hyperthermia, hypotension, bronchoconstriction, tachypnea, seizures, angioedema, laryngeal and pulmonary edema, to less severe clinical signs of vomiting, diarrhea, urticaria, erythema, and pruritis. Adverse clinical signs can occur within seconds to minutes following intravenous administration but may be delayed for hours with other routes of administration. Chemotherapy-induced anaphylaxis can occur almost immediately after drug administration; common chemotherapy drugs include L-asparaginase and doxorubicin (Ogilvie 2006). Fatal reactions can occur at any time to any drug or stimulating agent, resulting in acute collapse, cardiovascular failure, and/or severe hypotension. Clinical signs occur as a result of the release of histamine, serotonin, and chemotactic factors. Although initial exposure to the offending drug usually produces a minimal reaction, subsequent exposures can result in a severe or potentially fatal reaction. Allergic reactions can often be minimized by pretreatment with antihistamines and or corticosteroids. Hypersensitivity reactions can also be treated by simply stopping the drug therapy. Initiation of drug therapy (antihistamines, corticosteroids, and/or epinephrine in severe cases) should commence immediately.

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Fluid samples should be submitted for pathologist review impotence grounds for divorce states order malegra dxt 130mg online, aerobic and anaerobic culture erectile dysfunction jackson ms malegra dxt 130 mg visa, and sensitivity. Fluid from patients that have recently undergone abdominal surgery may show signs of significant inflammation. Furthermore, animals that have been receiving antibiotics may have no observable bacteria in their peritoneal fluid samples despite having contamination. In addition to in-house analysis of peritoneal fluid using a microscope, measuring glucose and lactate concentrations has proved to be useful in the diagnosis of septic peritonitis in dogs. Studies have shown that a glucose concentration difference of greater than 20 mg/dL between a peripheral blood sample and peritoneal fluid is 100% specific for a diagnosis of septic peritonitis. A blood-to-fluid lactate difference less than 2 mmol/L is assumptive of a diagnosis of septic peritonitis in dogs; however, the same does not apply to cats. A complete blood count may reflect a leukocytosis with or without a left shift, anemia, and thrombocytopenia. A serum chemistry including lipase and amylase should be run in-house using both peripheral blood samples and peritoneal fluid. A coagulation profile should be run and monitored throughout the course of treatment. All results are taken into account and are useful in determining specific organ involvement. Once the patient is hemodynamically stable, survey abdominal radiographs are obtained. Usually, these will reveal a loss of detail (as with abdominal effusion) or pneumoperitoneum. Abdominal ultrasound is the preferred diagnostic choice when imaging and is often useful in determining the underlying cause of the peritonitis. The goals in treatment of septic peritonitis include stabilizing the patient, identifying and addressing the source of contamination, correcting the infection, initiating appropriate antibiotic therapy, and establishing peritoneal drainage. After pre-therapy blood and urine samples are obtained, fluid resuscitation is initiated. Shock doses of crystalloids and colloids are administered to correct hypovolemia and electrolyte imbalances. If renal function in the patient has been determined to be normal, then an aminoglycoside such as gentamycin or amikacin coupled with a firstgeneration cephalosporin such as ampicillin may be administered. Cefoxitin, a secondgeneration cephalosporin, may be administered as a single agent or combined with ampicillin or cefazolin concurrently with enrofloxacin or an aminoglycoside. Metronidazole may also be added to the treatment plan in the event that extended anaerobic therapy is required. Bactericidal drugs are preferred over bacteriostatic drugs as patients with septic peritonitis are immunocompromised. Once the patient is stable enough for general anesthesia, a celiotomy is indicated. The purpose of surgery in the patient is to resolve the source of infection, decrease the contaminated load via peritoneal lavage, and, if indicated, provide the patient with a method for enteral feeding. Once the source of infection has been surgically corrected, large volumes of warm sterile isotonic fluid are used to lavage the abdominal cavity. Care of postoperative septic abdomen patients is complex, as these animals are critically ill and at risk of a number of complications. As with any critically ill patient, a multi-lumen catheter should be placed at the time of presentation if possible; if not, then postoperative placement is acceptable. Additionally, a urinary catheter, if not placed prior to surgery, should be placed immediately following when the patient is returned to the critical care unit. The urinary catheter will serve multiple purposes: prevent contamination of incision sites or open abdomen, maximize patient comfort as well as measurement of urinary output. Maintaining adequate blood pressure and subsequently adequate tissue perfusion in the postoperative septic abdomen patient can be difficult, as some of the inflammatory mediators released during sepsis have hypotensive effects. If the patient has had adequate fluid resuscitation and is still unable to maintain a normal blood pressure, then it is determined to be in septic shock and will require the administration of vasopressors. Further increases in dosages result in constriction of renal arteries, decreasing renal perfusion and causing irreversible kidney damage. Norepinephrine and vasopressin are both potent vasoconstrictors and are generally only reserved for cases that do not respond to the above vasopressors.

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