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By: Sarah Gamble PhD

  • Lecturer, Interdisciplinary


But no matter how you describe a problem medications blood donation generic praziquantel 600mg without prescription, it would manifest as a maladaptive and distressful symptom symptoms 8 dpo cheap 600mg praziquantel visa, as inability to cope with stressful situations. The key to success in diagnostic practices is to identify distress and maladaptive symptoms correctly and in their cultural context. Much unhappiness has come into the world because of bewilderment and things left unsaid. In China, for example, rising wealth and growing complexity of life have produced a stressful environment of competition, which many people have difficulty adjusting to . Twenty years ago, the government would provide for almost everything including salaries, health care, and pensions. Therefore, people in China will inevitably face more emotional and stress-related problems than those faced two or three decades ago. In addition, the stigma attached with mental illness and psychotherapy is gradually disappearing and more people see psychological problems as special conditions that they should not be ashamed of. Over this decade, Chinese psychologists will be facing an important question: Which forms of psychotherapy should they adopt? Should they be Western behavioral or cognitive therapy adapted to Chinese culture or should these methods be uniquely Chinese? If different cultural settings can affect diagnostic practices, one can assume that culture may also play a significant role in psychotherapy, which is the treatment of psychological disorders through psychological means, generally involving verbal interaction with a professional therapist. Research cases show, for example, that many drug rehabilitation and prevention programs designed for one particular ethnic and social category (white middle-class subjects) are applicable to other ethnic and social categories. In tolerant and supportive cultures (as well as in supportive communities and families), individuals with mental disorders may function better than those in less-tolerant surroundings. In Japan, depressed patients could rely on other people to make decisions for them. It was also shown in a World Health Organization study (1979) that patients from collectivist cultures had a better prognosis for schizophrenia, whereas patients from individualist cultures showed fewer signs of improvement (Tanaka-Matsumi & Draguns, 1997). Some studies imply that Mexican Americans are significantly less likely to use outpatient mental help than other ethnic groups. Only 50 percent of Hispanics with a recent diagnosis of a mental disorder actually seek mental health treatment, compared with 70 percent of non-Hispanic whites. African Americans and Native Americans appear to use outpatient mental health services at higher rates than whites. Some studies have found that ethnic minority patients have a tendency to drop out of treatment before it can be effective more frequently than whites. Many factors can contribute to the above tendency, for example, whether those providing mental health services are themselves members of an ethnic minority group, fluent in the language of their patients, or aware of culturally specific therapeutic procedures. However, the differences in the dropout rates among various ethnic groups do not appear to be statistically significant. Many psychologists today argue that professionals could use religion as a factor facilitating psychotherapy. A person turning to God for strength and hope is, in fact, looking for inner resources that help at times of adversity and pain. Studies show, for example, that for African Americans, the sense of spiritual connectedness and wholeness helps to improve quality of life by influencing the way that individuals cope with adversity. Individuals higher in spirituality have greater inner resources that facilitate adaptive coping and positive health outcomes. Overall, the current findings are consistent with the extensive literature indicating that spirituality has historically been an important mechanism by which African Americans manage adverse life circumstances (Utsey et al. Native Americans, compared to other groups, have stronger beliefs in the healing nature of traditional practices (frequently based on folk beliefs) even when they seek professional health services. For example, one study has found that about 40 percent of American Indian adolescents and adults with a lifetime history of depressive or anxiety disorders sought services from a mental health professional, but almost 50 percent also sought help from a traditional healer (Beals et al. Psychologists also report that people in collectivist cultures are more likely to display repressive adaptive style than people from other groups. This was shown, for example, in an interesting study of European American, Mexican American, and Mexican children (Varela et al. Probably, because collectivism rewards behavior that brings positive outcomes to a group or community, individuals learn to hide some of their distressful symptoms so that they will not attract unnecessary attention to themselves. In fact, this assumption is probably consistent with the fact that Latin American children tend to manifest many of their emotional problems through somatic symptoms such as pains, aches, and other forms of physical discomfort (Canino, 2004). It is also probable that cultural traditionalism is a serious factor preventing millions of people around the world from acknowledging their abnormal psychological symptoms without fear of being considered "sick" or "crazy.

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Another methodological challenge is that few studies have been able to investigate medium- or long-term health outcomes but instead have focused on short-term metrics medications qhs 600 mg praziquantel fast delivery. Presumably symptoms 8dp5dt cheap praziquantel 600 mg with visa, by increasing the level of care children with disabilities receive and the degree of functioning they achieve, health insurance could have later effects on outcomes in adulthood. Despite these conceptual and methodological challenges, in this section I assess the preponderance of evidence regarding the impact of health insurance on children with disabilities, considering both the strength of the studies and the consistency of findings across studies. In sum, the bulk of the evidence supports the prediction that provision of health insurance improves access to health care among children with disabilities. The study of asthma noted increased asthma tune-up visits and reduced visits to primary care for asthma attacks. Nor is the evidence clear about the impact of having or not having health insurance on overall health care expenditures for children with disabilities. Paul Newacheck and his colleagues analyzed the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey and found no difference in total health care expenditures between uninsured and insured children with disabilities. The research evidence has largely supported these predictions, at least for the impact of health insurance on the use of primary care. The bulk of the evidence suggests that health insurance for special needs children increases preventive visits, receipt of preventive Peter G. Because primary care and preventive visits may be viewed as more discretionary than other visits, increases in the use of these services signifies a beneficial effect of health insurance. For example, the study of medical home criteria among children with asthma did not find a relationship between health insurance and familycentered care. This section reviews three: medical home criteria, parent satisfaction, and disease-specific quality measures. Over the past decade, the concept of a medical home has emerged as a guiding framework to assess and improve the quality of health care not only for children with disabilities but for all children and adults. A recent review of the literature found that attributes of the medical home appear to improve health outcomes for children, including those with special needs. As noted, several studies have shown that health insurance improves accessibility to primary and specialty care and medications among children with disabilities. The family is recognized as the principal caregiver and the center of strength and support for children. The same primary pediatric health care professionals are available from infancy through adolescence. Stille and others, "The Family-Centered Medical Home: Specific Considerations for Child Health Research and Policy," Academic Pediatrics 10, no. Evidence also is insufficient to assess the role of health insurance in improving the compassionate and culturally sensitive aspects of the medical home for either the general population of children or for children with disabilities. Several studies have found an association between health insurance for children with chronic conditions and higher parental satisfaction with primary care, medications, specialty care, and overall health care. Few data exist regarding the impact of health insurance on disease-specific measures. Studies have found that insured children with special health care needs have more oral health visits than those without insurance, but studies documenting an actual reduction in dental caries as a result of dental insurance are not available. Szilagyi care pediatricians managed mental health problems among insured versus uninsured children in their practices. Further studies are needed to better distinguish the impact of health insurance from other factors. Insurance and Health Outcomes An assessment of health outcomes should consider outcomes for both the child and the family, because child disability can affect both. At the level of the child, one would expect that if health insurance improves access to health care and many quality measures, then it should also improve child health outcomes, at least to the degree to which health care contributes to outcomes (many serious disabilities have poor outcomes regardless of quality of care). Child health outcomes could be conceptualized as general outcomes (such as functional status or school attendance) or disease-specific outcomes (such as asthma severity or depression scores). But very little exists in the literature regarding the effect of health insurance on child outcomes. Most children who are covered by either public or private insurance are enrolled in managed care plans. Early concerns that managed care would result in reduced quality of care for children with chronic conditions have not been consistently demonstrated. It is possible that the combination of increased sophistication of managed care leaders, federal and state guidelines and oversight, quality reporting among managed care plans, increasingly savvy primary care providers, and strong involvement of parents have all played a part in maintaining quality of care for children with disabilities despite the financial and time pressures associated with managed care.

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The Palestinian children who lived in the violent social environment reported having predominantly intensive and vivid dreams treatment 5 alpha reductase deficiency order 600 mg praziquantel otc, which incorporated aggression and persecution as main themes treatment bacterial vaginosis purchase 600 mg praziquantel otc, more often than the other children studied did. In Finnish children, dreams contained anxiety scenes that involved mostly guilt and shame. The authors interpreted the results by referring to social and cultural conditions in the studied samples. The Finnish society is considered to be more individualistic than the Palestinian society and therefore more oriented toward the experiences directed into individuals themselves. Also, according to the established cultural traditions, the Finnish understanding of dreaming is based predominantly on Freudian influences that emphasize the importance of individual psychological reality. According to the Arab tradition, dreaming is mainly understood as an external message from forces to guide the dreamer. Finland is an economically advanced and democratic European country with one of the highest incomes per capita in the world. Palestinian people for many years have experienced poverty, injustice, and have suffered from constant struggles between various political groups for influence and power. It is plausible to propose that everyday stressful experiences can contribute to dream content. Substantial gender differences were found in other cross-cultural studies of dreams, according to which women are likely to experience dreams in which the dream character is abused and attacked (Cartwright, 1992). One finding reported by Munroe and Munroe (1972) in an East African sample showed that both males and females express roughly equal amounts of aggression in the reported dreams. Subsequent analysis revealed that a high proportion of aggression in female dreams was linked to situations in which the women were victims of attack and abuse, a concern that reflects reality. Specialists in Turkish folklore identify a typical theme in dreams reported by males: the quest, both physical and spiritual, for the most gorgeous and beautiful woman in the world. According to one explanation (Walker, 1993), this preoccupation may be linked to the tradition of arranged marriage. According to this practice, many Turkish men cannot see their brides before the time of the wedding. This emotional deprivation creates a state of secret admiration and fascination of the future wife. As a result, men "compensate" in their dreams for this missing romantic activity and experience. She implied that what one tells about a dream is based on a particular cultural concept of the dream and culturally sanctioned ways of sharing dream content. Using Chapter 4 Cognition: Sensation, Perception, and States of Consciousness 113 particular rules of communication, we may report some elements of our dream and delete others. In short, our culture may change our experience of dreams and therefore our dreams are loaded with cultural elements that include not only dream content but also the ways in which dreams are communicated (Ullman & Zimmerman, 1979). Besides hidden psychological factors, there are numerous contextual influences that affect not only the dream but also the way it is recalled, shared, and interpreted. No matter how psychologists explain dreams, researchers can provide plenty of interesting facts about the interaction between culture and the psychological experiences of dreams (Roll, 1987). Dreams not only reflect our private world of hopes, fears, and concerns but also mirror the environment in which people live. The famous benzene ring and the periodic system of chemical elements were allegedly "discovered" by their authors when they were dreaming. In many famous fairy tales, literary works, and film creations, heroes and heroines read important life forecasts in their sleep. We all know that in every country, there are people who believe that dreams can predict the future or may be considered an omen of something to come. It is a belief in Turkey that if one discloses a dream about receiving a favor before the favor is offered, then the event foretold in the dream may end in disaster (Walker & Uysal, 1990). Around the world, books are written and manuals published on how to interpret each particular dream. When the dream content does not coincide with an actual car accident the day after the dream, the content of the dream can be easily forgotten. If an accident really happens, he or she is likely to refer to the dream: "I knew this was going to happen. Similarly, many mental disorders were commonly interpreted as supernatural developments (Warner, 1994).

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At this stage treatment 2 lung cancer order praziquantel 600 mg without prescription, when my commitment to research has been questioned by less enlightened colleagues relating to family needs-for example treatment zinc overdose order praziquantel 600 mg otc, not going to sea-I am able to move on with con dence (it is surprising that some folks are, for instance, unaware of recommendations on breast feeding and how lactation works! Nonetheless, I am disappointed and aware of how disparaging comments might a ect those in earlier career stages. Independent of children, it is sometimes a struggle to be heard in a way that is true to what I feel is important scienti cally, ethically, and societally (this is perhaps the case in any gender/generationally imbalanced department or eld). I am excited for a time when there is a consistent plurality in types of successful scientists and more than a sprinkling of role models to inspire greater diversity and creativity. I always knew that I wanted to be a scientist when I grew up, and imagined life in a lab coat surrounded by lasers or test tubes. As an undergraduate at the University of California, Berkeley, I realized that, instead, I could join my love of science with my interest in the outdoors and the natural world by studying geology. My dissertation work at the University of Texas Institute for Geophysics allowed the opportunity to work in Alaska, both on land in the St. One of my greatest continuing challenges is balancing starting my career with starting and managing a family. Working in ocean and Earth science can involve a great deal of eldwork, which takes time away from children and spouses. I am lucky to have a very supportive partner and an extended family to help run the household. I hope that, as they get older, my children will be proud of having a mother who gets to go on all these adventures for work, and I hope that they, in turn, will be inspired to follow their dreams. I am fortunate that life as an academic can be very exible, so work can sometimes be planned around play groups or music classes. I have also been able to take advantage of university policies that encourage pursuit of family life, and I applaud the women and men who worked hard to put them in place. I am optimistic that the academic environment will continue to get friendlier for researchers with families. I have also been blessed with many women role models and mentors who have inspired me with their dedication to excellence in the eld and the classroom while still living a balanced life. Lindsay as a shipboard scientist during Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 341 to the Gulf of Alaska in 2013. Because of di culty with funding my sh biology research, I began to work on sh ecology instead, in particular, studying European eels, using my own money and with limited facilities. At that point, everything was going well in my life; however, my husband was not happy in his job. Hence, we decided to look elsewhere and moved to Зanakkale Onsekiz Mart University on the northern coast of Turkey. I was able to nd a job on the education faculty because of my teaching experience, but it was di cult time for me. I felt that I lost three valuable years of my career, having to work on educational issues instead of sea turtles and sh ecology: I had no laboratory, no students, and no projects. Science education was a new challenge for me because I had to learn new terminology-and I did. My goal, however, was to join the Biology Department, and in 2010, thanks to god, I was nally able to do so. Another turning point in my career occurred when I was introduced to stable isotope analysis by Roger I. Jones of Jvaskyla University and was able to acquire enough funding to study the feeding ecology of sh using this method. If you love something enough, you are willing to do anything to pursue your passion, and this can be very powerful. My suggestion to young women is: never give up your dreams even though you may face di cult challenges. If you love your job, swallow your pride, and never stop pursuing your goals, success will be waiting for you. I wanted to work in the environmental sciences and was keen to work for the British Antarctic Survey, but in those days (late 1980s), women were not allowed to over-winter in the Antarctic. Instead, I began work on a short-term contract at the Institute of Oceanographic Sciences in Wormley. To get the largest signals, we deliberately take a ship to windy regions, such as the Southern Ocean or the North Atlantic.

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