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By: Paul J. Gertler PhD

  • Professor, Graduate Program in Health Management


Missing from the plethora of resources focused on surviving adolescence is a description of what happens to the vast majority of young people: normal pregnancy leg pain femara 2.5 mg fast delivery, healthy development premier women's health henderson nc purchase femara 2.5 mg line. It describes the changes that happen during adolescence and how adults can promote healthy development. This guide is based on several key ideas, all of which are supported by research evidence: 1) adolescence is a time of opportunity, not turmoil; 2) normal, healthy development is uneven; 3) young people develop positive attributes through learning and experience; and 4) the larger community plays a fundamental and essential role in helping young people move successfully into adulthood. Adolescence is a time of opportunity, not turmoil Research shows that adolescence -contrary to views that predominate in our media and culture-is actually positive for both teens and adults. Most adolescents succeed in school, are attached to their families and their communities, and emerge from their teen years without experiencing serious problems such as substance abuse or involvement with violence. Although teens experience emotions intensely-a consequence of brain development- for most, the teen years are not filled with angst and confusion. Rather, they are a time of concentrated social, emotional, and cognitive development. Normal, healthy development is uneven Adolescence includes periods of rapid physical growth and the emergence of secondary sexual characteristics. Changes on these multiple the teen years explaIned fronts do not always happen in sync. Physically and sexually, young people, especially girls, may mature by their mid-teens. Yet the process of transforming the relatively inefficient brain of the child into a leaner, more proficient adult brain may not be completed until age 25. Adding even more complexity, this out-of-sync pattern of development may seem to be constantly changing. In early adolescence a young person may be behind physically and ahead emotionally. That pattern can reverse later on as growth spurts occur in different areas of development. Although they may look like adults-and, at times, want to be treated as adults-teens are still in a formative stage. Young people develop positive attributes through learning and experience Throughout this guide, the term positive youth development is used. It includes young people of all cultures and ethnicities, abilities and disabilities, as well as gays, lesbians, transgender and bisexual youth. At the same time, adolescents are not simply passive recipients of experience, all responding to developmental "inputs" in the same way. They interpret and respond to each new experience through the lenses of their innate personalities and prior experiences. It is essential to understand the strengths and needs of adolescents when designing programs or health-promotion strategies. It is also important to consider the context or setting in which an adolescent lives, and to address the risks and assets of that environment. Adolescents develop these core assets when they experience them in their own lives. A young person learns that he or she is good at something (competence) when given the opportunity to try and practice new things. Likewise, a young person learns to be caring by being cared for, and develops character by practicing self-control. The positive youth development framework expands the traditional focus on reducing risks. Programs informed by the traditional framework- which remains important-tend to focus on avoiding bad things: drugs, unprotected sex, driving while drunk, or failing school. Although many riskreduction strategies have been shown to be successful, research in the field of positive youth development has demonstrated that "problem-free is not fully prepared. Examples of effective strategies to promote healthy development are provided throughout this guide. Community has a role: putting adolescence in context Before the mid-1980s, adolescent research focused largely on development and behavior alone, looking at physical growth and how teens act. More recently, research has started to examine the contexts where adolescents develop.

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Such support should be 13 this policy was prepared by Catherine Ritter and Heino Stцver in 2012 as part of a research project on tobacco prevention in prisons breast cancer her2 buy discount femara 2.5 mg online. Staff should be told about the smoke-free regulations applying to them when they start work in the detention setting menstrual excessive bleeding buy femara 2.5 mg with amex. As a general rule, staff should not smoke with prisoners, especially not in their cells. Conversations between prisoners and staff should take place in rooms other than cells occupied by smokers (74). Cells should be intensively aired before they are searched and prisoners should be asked to refrain from smoking when staff are present. The motivation for staff to reduce or stop using tobacco should be regularly tested. Smoke-free workplaces promote smoke-free homes, which further protect families and strengthen smoking cessation attempts in general. To avoid the promotion of smoking while at work, there should be no indoor smoking areas and tobacco use should be limited to designated places outdoor and during breaks (even where it is legally permitted to smoke indoors, as in Germany (76,77)). A qualified professional should be available to provide support for individuals trying to reduce or stop their smoking. Rewards (or contingency management) could be introduced as part of the support for people trying to stop smoking, such as a half-day off for non-smokers. Networking with tobacco prevention experts Cooperation with competent and qualified experts in tobacco use, reduction and cessation should be sought and developed at local or national level. This is important and useful for the provision of training materials (in particular for vulnerable groups, such as young people) and in certain facilities such as prison hospitals. It clarifies which points in this policy have been achieved and which need closer attention. Presentation at the 6th European Conference on Health Promotion in Prisons, Geneva, 1­3 February 2012. Association of cigarette smoking and depressive symptoms in a forensic population. Smoking in prison: a hierarchical approach at the crossroad of personality and childhood events. Eine Untersuchung zur gesundheitlichen Lage von Inhaftierten der Justizvollzugsanstalt. The prevalence of psychotropic substance use and its influencing factors in Lithuanian penitentiaries. Implementation and impact of antismoking interventions in three prisons in the absence of appropriate legislation. Social marketing with challenging target groups: smoking cessation in prisons in England and Wales. International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, 2008, 13(3):251­261 (Special issue: Social marketing). Do non-smoking prisoners have systematic and straightforward access to smoke-free cells? Health education Are the sources of information on tobacco use (consequences, cessation) known? Is information on tobacco use (consequences, cessation) regularly and proactively distributed? Training Are the staff (health, social or prison) trained in health education regarding tobacco use? Are the health staff trained to support prisoners trying to reduce or stop their tobacco use? Individual support to reduce or quit smoking Is it easy for prisoners to get access to help in reducing or stopping tobacco smoking? Individual support to reduce or quit smoking Is it easy for staff to get access to help in reducing or stopping tobacco smoking? Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No 144 Tobacco use in prison settings: a need for policy implementation 17. Correlates of daily smoking among female arrestees in New York City and Los Angeles, 1997. An analysis of racial and sex differences for smoking among adolescents in a juvenile correctional center.

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Soloff and colleagues (56) studied borderline personality disorder inpatients with comorbid major depression (53%) womens health care 01950 purchase femara 2.5 mg overnight delivery, hysteroid dysphoria (44%) women's health of boca raton purchase femara 2.5mg with visa, and atypical depression (46%); the patient group was not selected for presence of a depressive disorder. Phenelzine was effective for self-rated anger and hostility but had no specific efficacy, compared with placebo or haloperidol, for atypical depression or hysteroid dysphoria. A 16-week continuation study of the responding patients in a follow-up study (68) showed some continuing modest improvement over placebo beyond the acute 5-week trial for depression and irritability. Phenelzine appeared to be activating, which was considered favorable in the clinical setting. Experienced clinicians may vary doses according to their usual practice in treating depressive or anxiety disorders. Adherence to a tyramine-free diet is critically important and requires careful patient instruction, ideally supplemented by a printed guide to tyramine-rich foods and medication interactions, especially over-the-counter decongestants found in common cold and allergy remedies. Given the impulsivity of patients with borderline personality disorder, it is helpful to review in detail the potential for serious medical consequences of nonadherence to dietary restrictions, the symptoms of hypertensive crisis, and an emergency treatment Treatment of Patients With Borderline Personality Disorder 59 Copyright 2010, American Psychiatric Association. Lithium carbonate and anticonvulsant mood stabilizers a) Goals Lithium carbonate and the anticonvulsant mood stabilizers carbamazepine and divalproex sodium are used to treat symptoms of behavioral dyscontrol in borderline personality disorder, with possible efficacy for symptoms of affective dysregulation. Subsequent case reports demonstrated that lithium had mood-stabilizing and antiaggressive effects in patients with borderline personality disorder (181, 182). One double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover study compared lithium with desipramine in 17 patients with borderline personality disorder (61). The authors noted that therapists were favorably impressed by decreases in impulsivity during the lithium trial, an improvement not fully appreciated by the patients themselves. There has never been a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of the antiaggressive effects of lithium carbonate in patients with borderline personality disorder selected for histories of impulsive aggression. The anticonvulsant mood stabilizer carbamazepine has been studied in two double-blind, placebo-controlled studies that used very different patient groups, resulting in inconsistent findings. Gardner and Cowdry (55, 62), in a crossover trial, studied female outpatients with borderline personality disorder and comorbid hysteroid dysphoria along with extensive histories of behavioral dyscontrol. Patients underwent a 6-week trial of carbamazepine (mean dose= 820 mg/day) and continued receiving psychotherapy. Patients had decreased frequency and severity of behavioral dyscontrol during the carbamazepine trial. De la Fuente and Lotstra (63) failed to replicate these findings, although this may be due to their small study group size (N=20). These investigators conducted a double-blind, placebocontrolled trial of carbamazepine in inpatients with a primary diagnosis of borderline personality disorder. Unlike in the Cowdry and Gardner study (55), patients were not selected for histories of behavioral dyscontrol. There were no significant differences between carbamazepine and placebo on measures of affective or cognitive-perceptual symptoms, impulsive-behavioral "acting out," or global symptoms. Wilcox (70) reported a 68% decrease in time spent in seclusion as well as improvement in anxiety, tension, and global symptoms among 30 patients with borderline personality disorder receiving divalproex sodium (with dose titrated to a level of 100 mg/ml) for 6 weeks in a state hospital. The author noted that both the antiaggressive and antianxiety effects of divalproex sodium appeared instrumental in decreasing agitation and time spent in seclusion. An open-label study by Stein and colleagues (66) enrolled 11 cooperative outpatients with borderline personality disorder, all of whom had been in psychotherapy for a minimum of 8 weeks and were free of other medications before starting divalproex sodium treatment, which was titrated to levels of 50­100 mg/ml. Among the 8 patients who completed the study, 4 responded in terms of global improvement and observed irritability; physician ratings of mood, anxiety, anger, impulsivity, and rejection sensitivity; and patient ratings of global improvement. There were no significant changes in measures specific for depression and anxiety, but baseline depression and anxiety scores were low in this population. Kavoussi and Coccaro (69) also reported significant improvement in impulsive aggression and irritability after 4 weeks of treatment with divalproex sodium in 10 patients with impulsive aggression in the context of a cluster B personality disorder, 5 of whom (4 completers) had borderline personality disorder. Among the 8 patients who completed the 8-week trial, 6 had a 50% or greater reduction in aggression and irritability. All patients had not responded to a previous trial with fluoxetine (up to 60 mg/day for 8 weeks). Only one small, randomized controlled trial of divalproex has been reported that involved patients with borderline personality disorder (65). Among 12 patients randomly assigned to divalproex, only 6 completed a 10-week trial, 5 of whom responded in terms of global measures. There was improvement in depression, albeit not statistically significant, and aggression was unchanged. In summary, preliminary evidence suggests that lithium carbonate and the mood stabilizers carbamazepine and divalproex may be useful in treating behavioral dyscontrol and affective dysregulation in some patients with borderline personality disorder, although further studies are needed.


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