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By: Brent Fulton PhD, MBA

  • Associate Adjunct Professor, Health Economics and Policy


Demand for ldl cholesterol medical definition order zetia 10mg amex, and prices of cholesterol hazards generic zetia 10 mg line, wheat went down, while the prices of meat, cheese and barley held up, the latter due to the growing demand for beer, which may be taken as a good indicator for higher standards of living and improvements in the diet. The composition of agricultural output thus shifted from cereals towards other crops" (Pamuk, 2007, 294). Fochesato (2018) finds that between 1300 and 1800, Malthusian dynamics governed the relationship between wages and population in southern and central Europe. In contrast, in cities in northwestern Europe after 1500 wages and population became increasingly detached. To establish these findings empirically, he uses plague reoccurrences as an instrument for short-run population 17 Blanchard notes that in `periods of high population pressure and weak labor markets, as in late-thirteenth century England. He hypotheses that three factors may have played a role in the Little Divergence: (i) rural labor market institutions that were in place before the plague; (ii) different fertility regimes; and (iii) differential technological changes. In summary, the Black Death did lead to a rise in livings standards for ordinary people in late medieval Europe. However, existing wage series have serious limitations and the extent of this observed rise in the data might be overstated in some of the discussions of a late medieval "golden age" for workers. An important question in the recent literature on inequality is to what extent inequality can only be reduced by massive "shocks" such as wars, revolutions, financial crashes and pandemics or whether it can be done in a more peaceful manner via policy (Piketty, 2017, 2020; Scheidel, 2017). In the literature, the Black Death and its subsequent reoccurrences during the next two centuries are associated with a decline in inequality. Inequality was increasing prior to 1300 (see evidence summarized in Turchin and Nefedov, 2009). A series of crises such as the Great Famine of 1316-1321 reduced population and elite incomes in the first part of the 14th century. These crises were followed by the shock of the Black Death which would have a still greater impact on inequality. As workers, who earn most of their income through wages, tend to be poorer than the owners of capital and land, a negative shock to the supply of labor will reduce income inequality. Relatedly, if wages increase relative to the value of land and capital, this limits wealth concentration as poorer individuals can now afford to acquire property and thus receive future gains in land and capital values. Evidence suggests that the plague reduced inequality (Alfani, 2020) and was a "great leveler" (Scheidel, 2017). For example, Alfani (2017) shows that the wealth share of the richest 10% in Europe was 65-70% in the early 14th century and decreased to about 50% by 1450, implying a drop of 15-20 percentage points. For example, Alfani (2020) finds that in northern Italy, the Gini coefficient for wealth was 0. Compared to inequality in developing countries today, these numbers are not especially high: wealth inequality in Italy Alfani and Murphy (2017b) only use data for Florence and Savoy. Hence, the need for more research on that topic from other parts of Europe is needed. These claims may appear surprising, but they reflect the general fact that inequality in preindustrial societies was bounded (Milanovic et al. There was a subsistence below which people could not fall without dying of hunger and as these societies were comparatively poor there was a limit to how much the very rich could accumulate. The evidence for other parts of Europe is of less high quality but it is consistent with a decline in inequality in the 14th and 15th centuries following the plague (Scheidel, 2017). This decrease was not permanent; inequality increased in the 16th century as populations slowly recovered (Van Zanden, 1995). In addition to studies on the wealth share, several analyses attempt to quantify the number of rich individuals over time to see how the Black Death might have reduced their number. Alfani (2017) explains that the number of individuals who owned more than 10 times the median level of wealth in Italy decreased after the Black Death. The number of knights and esquires then fell from 3,000 in 1300 to 1,300 in 1500 (Turchin and Nefedov, 2009, 71). This fall was proportionally greater than the fall in population (from around 5 million to 3 million). This fall in inequality is easily explicable in terms of the Malthusian dynamics and evidence we reviewed in Section 2. In addition, Alfani (2020) explains that Black Death mortality contributed to the fragmentation of large patrimonies (Alfani, 2010, 2015).

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The shunt can be placed either with open surgical exposure into the abdomen or chest cholesterol medication ezetimibe buy 10mg zetia amex, or through a cannula (large needle) as Figure 4 Spinal cord syrinx (confluent) C6 and myelomalacia (microcystic) C7 cholesterol test is fasting necessary order zetia 10 mg with mastercard. Often in cases of diffuse arachnoiditis (scarring) or multiple failed operations, shunting is necessary. In some patients this technique is modified by placing a short piece of the silastic catheter (shunt) into the cyst and bringing it out just a fraction of an inch and placing it into the spinal fluid (subarachnoid) space. This is sometimes called a stent rather than a shunt, but in reality, it is shunting the spinal fluid from the syrinx cavity into the spinal fluid space surrounding the cord rather than into the abdomen or chest. There are risks that can occur with any general anesthetic, that range all the way from death to other anesthetic complications. The neurological complications of spinal cord surgery could include paralysis or weakness, loss of sensation, bowel, bladder or sexual dysfunction, as well as infection, hemorrhage, etc. Unfortunately, recurrence is not a rare situation even in the experience of the most skilled surgeons, and even when patients follow the medical advice for postoperative activity. If tethering or cyst formation recurs, treatment may require revision or repeat surgery. The majority of patients can expect to stop the progression of their symptoms with surgery. However, often there is a reversal of some, and less commonly of all of the preoperative signs and symptoms. As mentioned previously, some patients may be unchanged or may even worsen with surgery. For example, almost every patient who has a shunt placed in the spinal cord experiences some increased numbness, often patchy and reversible, although it may be permanent. This occurs from just making a tiny incision with the aid of a microscope into the spinal cord to place the shunt tube (often less than 1/10 of an inch in diameter). However, when one realizes that the spinal cord is like an electrical cable with millions of wires or fibers going through it, it becomes understandable how even the smallest incision can cause temporary or permanent damage. For these reasons, shunts are usually placed in the back of the spinal cord where one is less likely to lose motor strength or pain and temperature sensation. The loss of crude touch-type sensation or position sense are more likely to be experienced. Depending on which surgeon you talk to or which article you read, failure of these operations may result in patients requiring re-operation or losing function permanently. It is imperative that every patient feels comfortable with their surgeon and his/her credentials and experience in this area so that the surgical procedure becomes a team effort. The patients and their families or significant others should have full knowledge and understanding of all the pros and cons, alternatives and risks. When surgery is performed with the surgeon and patient working together as a team in every sense, it can result in the best possible outcome for everyone involved. They, as well, are associated with significant overlap regarding both symptoms and surgery. In order to understand what an individual undergoing surgery for either or both of these entities can expect, it behooves us to divide the surgical process into: (1) the events that occur before surgery, (2) the surgery itself, and (3) the events that occur following surgery. First and foremost, it should not be assumed that the presence of either a Chiari malformation or the presence of syrinx constitutes, in and of itself, an indication for surgery. The progression of a syrinx on imaging studies, significant symptoms, or progression of symptoms, in the presence of the anatomical findings consistent with a Chiari malformation and/or syrinx constitute the indication constellation for surgery. Patients should understand this concept and should "interrogate" their surgeon regarding this decision-making process. Realistic expectations regarding outcome, weighed against risk, can then be understood and considered preoperatively. Assuming that no neurological complications of surgery ensue, the other major risks of surgery include leakage of spinal fluid, pseudomeningocele formation (spinal fluid that has leaked from the spinal sac but is contained under the skin), bleeding and infection. Almost all (but not all) surgical procedures for Chiari malformation and syringomyelia are performed in the prone (face down) position. Most surgeons use skull fixation during Chiari surgery in order to immobilize the operative site. This may cause the patient to have some pain at sites (usually three) where the pins of the skull fixation device have penetrated the skin and attach to the skull during surgery.

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